My favorite lotsa-fun places
Ocean Park Water Adventure is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

1. Ocean Park Water Adventure

Jl. Pahlawan Seribu CBD Area (BSD City - Serpong), Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Water Park · 130 tips and reviews

Hasna Resti F.Hasna Resti Fadhilah: Go with 3+ friends in weekends or long holidays would feel better.

Water Boom Lippo Cikarang is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

2. Water Boom Lippo Cikarang

Jl. Madiun Kav. 115 (Jalan Mohammad Husni Thamrin), Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Water Park · 70 tips and reviews

Budi W.Budi Wins: The best water recreation: fun, many trees, foods everywhere, economic :)

@america is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

3. @america

Pacific Place Mall 3rd floor #325 (Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53), Jakarta, Jakarta
Cultural Center · Kebayoran Baru · 86 tips and reviews

Hasna Resti F.Hasna Resti Fadhilah: Wanna know more about American's hi-tech-culture? Here's a good place to go.

KidZania is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

4. KidZania

Pacific Place Mall, 6th Floor (Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53), Jakarta, Jakarta
Playground · Kebayoran Baru · 110 tips and reviews

Hasna Resti F.Hasna Resti Fadhilah: This place's such a cool place to hang out with friends. P.S: You have to be under 16 to play there :p

Pacuan Kuda Pulomas is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

5. Pacuan Kuda Pulomas

Jln. Pulo Mas Jaya no. 1, Jakarta, Jakarta
Track Stadium · Pulogadung · 43 tips and reviews
confest is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

6. confest

Condet, Jakarta, Jakarta
Café · No tips or reviews
Supermal Karawaci is one of My favorite lotsa-fun places.

7. Supermal Karawaci

Jl. Boulevard Diponegoro No. 105 (Lippo Karawaci), Tangerang, Banten
Shopping Mall · 644 tips and reviews