Londonist: See that column in the middle of the square? It's actually a ventilation shaft for the Tube. Oh, and avoid the 50p toilets where you don't even get a mirror. Free ones are in St Paul's.
Louis Vuitton: A wonderful place for people watching on a sunny day or as a romantic meeting place at dusk, but look out for the pigeons. A visit to the National Gallery is also highly recommended.
OXO Tower Wharf (Barge House St), London, Greater London
Structure · South Bank · 29 tips and reviews
HISTORY UK: This former power station was bought by the manufacturers of Oxo beef stock cubes in the 1920s. Can you spot how they managed to bypass advertising restrictions with their new tower?
HISTORY UK: Oxford Circus got its new diagonal pedestrian crossing in 2009. It was inspired by crossings in Tokyo like the one at Shibuya, and in recognition of this Japanese musicians played at the opening.
HISTORY UK: Two traffic milestones occurred in this square. In 1868 the world’s first traffic lights were installed here (which later blew up) and in 1926, it became Britain’s first official roundabout.
HISTORY UK: The Mall took on its current form as a royal processional route around 1912. The palace approach was widened, and Admiralty Arch was built at one end and the Victoria Memorial at the other