Time-killing at Schiphol
NEMO is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.


Concourse C (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Indoor Play Area · 1 tip
Schiphol Airport Park is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

2. Schiphol Airport Park

Lounge 1, 2nd floor (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Airport Lounge · 12 tips and reviews
Panorama Terrace is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

3. Panorama Terrace

Concourse D (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Roof Deck · 30 tips and reviews

Barry S.Barry Schuuring: Spectaculaire plaats voor jong en oud, bekijk de vliegtuigen ophet platform en de activiteiten en bezoek de Fokker 100 en het winkeltje met aviation goodies.....

4. Fokker 100

Panoramaterras (AMS Airport), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Plane · Luchthaven Schiphol · 2 tips and reviews
Holland Boulevard is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

5. Holland Boulevard

AMS Airport, Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Shopping Mall · 7 tips and reviews

Yvonne v.Yvonne van den Nieuwenhuizen: Leuke zitjes mét stopcontacten, handig om te werken of nog even de telefoon op te laden.

6. Airport Library

Holland Boulevard (AMS Airport), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Library · Luchthaven Schiphol · 6 tips and reviews

Iván F.Iván Farías: There is a wide selection of books in various languages: Spanish, English, German, Turkish, French... find yours!

Rijksmuseum Schiphol is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

7. Rijksmuseum Schiphol

Holland Boulevard (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Art Museum · 22 tips and reviews

Schiphol MagazineSchiphol Magazine: Don't miss out on the current Dutch Flowers exhibition - it only lasts until 5 September! Admission is free.

8. Bols Genever Experience

Holland Boulevard (AMS Airport), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Arts and Entertainment · Luchthaven Schiphol · 1 tip

Maria G.Maria Gergova: Print your cocktail recipe from the interactive Genever screens

Schiphol Airport Park is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

9. Schiphol Airport Park

Lounge 1, 2nd floor (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Airport Lounge · 12 tips and reviews

Schiphol MagazineSchiphol Magazine: Got some time to kill? Head to the outdoor terrace and get some fresh air while watching airplanes come and go.

10. Floating Dutchman

Aankomstpassage (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Boat or Ferry · Luchthaven Schiphol · 3 tips and reviews

richard b.richard bolk: fun to go with the bus into the water. but they force you to have a stop at their own souvenirshop.(not at endpoint) driver is RUDE,,,and was not fit to get bus out of the water took several attemps

Spottersplaats Buitenveldertbaan is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

11. Spottersplaats Buitenveldertbaan

Loevesteinse Randweg 230 (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Scenic Lookout · 5 tips and reviews

Luc E.Luc Eurlings: Hier kun je echt de allermooiste vliegtuigen spotten! Wat een hobby!

Spottersplaats Polderbaan is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

12. Spottersplaats Polderbaan

IJweg 614 (AMS Airport), Vijfhuizen, Noord-Holland
Scenic Lookout · 9 tips and reviews
Yotel is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

13. Yotel

Lounge 2 (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Hotel · Luchthaven Schiphol · 31 tips and reviews

Hisham M.Hisham Majid: A small youth hostel just to sleep for 6 hours before catching next flight :D

14. XD Theater

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) (Lounge 2 (Na de paspoortcontrole)), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Movie Theater · Luchthaven Schiphol · 1 tip

Schiphol MagazineSchiphol Magazine: Want to take a ride on the wild side? Go see a 6D* movie in the XD Theater. *6D= 3D visuals, moving chairs, wind and light effects. Our favourite: Canyon Coaster!

Schiphol Behind the Scenes is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

15. Schiphol Behind the Scenes

Schiphol Plaza (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)), Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland
Bus Line · Luchthaven Schiphol · 2 tips and reviews
Verkeerstoren is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

16. Verkeerstoren

Buitenweg Airport Schiphol (AMS) (AMS Airport), Schiphol, Noord-Holland
Office · 2 tips and reviews
Wings Food & Drinks (Oude Verkeerstoren) is one of Time-killing at Schiphol.

17. Wings Food & Drinks (Oude Verkeerstoren)

Stationsplein ZW 602, Schiphol-Oost, Noord-Holland
Bistro · Luchthaven Schiphol · 17 tips and reviews

Marcel S.Marcel Suers: Great place!