Created by Miasto Gdańsk Updated On: July 10, 2013
Things look best when seen from above. Not only before approaching the runway, while the planes circle the city! There are several places which - in good weather - command a better than normal view.
Podkramarska 5 (btw. Świętego Ducha & Piwna), Gdańsk, Województwo pomorskie
Church · Śródmieście · 32 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: The spire proudly towers over #Gdansk An observation platform on the top can be reached via 402 steps. The silhouette of the spire is easily recognizable. The view from the very top is breathtaking!
Scenic Lookout · Śródmieście · 19 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: Hail Mountain is the highest natural elevation close to the centre of #Gdansk From the top you can see the best part of the Old and the Main Town, as well as the shipyard with its famous cranes.
Miasto Gdańsk: Is a hill in Oliva forest with a tower on top. Best time: evening or night - then the brightly-lit city looks amazing! See Oliwa, Żabianka and Przymorze and a part of the Bay of #Gdansk from up high.
ul. Przemysłowa 6-A, Gdańsk, Województwo pomorskie
Lighthouse · Nowy Port · 20 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: One of the most attractive lighthouse on the Baltic Sea. From the top, an extraordinary view of #Gdansk and the Bay spreads out before you. See also the exhibition devoted to lighthouses held inside.
Miasto Gdańsk: Bishop's Hill is the second elevation in the centre of #Gdansk that mus be seen! Try to reach a clock-tower seen from far off. Complex with a viewing platform is used as headquarters by local police.
Eastern European Restaurant · Śródmieście · 22 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: Situated on the top floor of hishrise building Zieleniak (Greenie), Panorama commands the best views of the shipyard area. And these are so impressive that you hardly notice what appears on your plate
Miasto Gdańsk: Hill named after the nearby German POW camp during the Second World War. In the 70's there was a ski lift. Nowadays, there's a observation point with a beautiful view. Worth seeing, definitely!