European Parliament information offices

1. European Parliament Office

(Γραφείο Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου)
Λεωφ. Βασιλίσσης Αμαλίας 8, Αθήνα, Αττική
Government Building · Σύνταγμα · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Προβάλλοντας σημαντικά ζητήματα, οργανώνοντας δημόσιες εκδηλώσεις και παρέχοντας πληροφορίες, τα γραφεία του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου βοηθούν στη ζωντανή, καθημερινή επαφή των πολιτών με την ΕΕ. Read more.

Oficina del Parlament Europeu a Barcelona is one of European Parliament information offices.

2. Oficina del Parlament Europeu a Barcelona

Passeig de Gràcia 90 (Carrer Provença), Barcelona, Catalunya
Government Building · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Organizando eventos, respondiendo a las preguntas de los ciudadanos y dando a conocer la Unión Europea, las oficinas de información del Parlamento trabajan para que Europa esté más cerca de ti. Read more.

3. Europäisches Parlament Informationsbüro in Deutschland

Unter den Linden 78, Berlin, Berlin
Cultural Center · Unter den Linden · 5 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Die Informationsbüros des EU-Parlaments erläutern EU-Themen, organisieren Info-Veranstaltungen und Beantworten die Fragen der Bürger - sie sind Ihr direkter Draht zur EU. Read more.

Európske informačné centrum is one of European Parliament information offices.

4. Európske informačné centrum

Palisády 29, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Government Building · Staré Mesto · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Informačné kancelárie EP majú dôležitú úlohu pri približovaní Európskeho parlamentu občanom. Sprostredkúvajú informácie o dianí v Parlamente, organizujú podujatia a odpovedajú na otázky o EÚ. Read more.

5. EP Informatiebureau in België / PE Bureau d'Information en Belgique

Trierstraat 3 Rue de Trèves, Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad
Government Building · Brussel · 3 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Raising awareness, organising events and answering citizen's queries on EU affairs, the Parliament's information offices play an important role in bringing the EU closer to you. Read more.

6. Parlamentul European Biroul de Informare în România

Strada Vasile Lascăr, nr. 31, et 1 Sector 2, București, București
Structure · Centru · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Organizând evenimente și răspunzând întrebărilor cetățenilor legate de afacerile europene, birourile de informare ale Parlamentului joacă un rol important în aducerea UE mai aproape de dumneavoastră. Read more.

7. Európai Parlament Tájékoztatási Irodája Magyarországon

Lövőház u. 35., Budapest, Budapest
Government Building · Budapest II. kerülete · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Kérdések, viták, események. A Parlament tájékoztatási irodái fontos szerepet játszanak abban, hogy jobban megismerje az EU-t. Read more.

8. Huis van Europa

Korte Vijverberg 5-6, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland
Government Building · Centrum · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Het informatiebureau van het Europees Parlement brengt de EU dichterbij door informatie te verspreiden, vragen van burgers te beantwoorden en evenementen te organiseren. Read more.

9. European Parlimentary Offices

43 Molesworth St, Dublin, Dublin City
Government Building · South-East Inner City · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Raising awareness, organising events and answering citizen's queries on EU affairs, the Parliament's information offices play an important role in bringing the EU closer to you. Read more.

10. European Parliament Information Office

4 Jackson's Entry (Holrood Road), Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh
Government Building · Canongate · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Raising awareness, organising events and answering citizen's queries on EU affairs, the Parliament's information offices play an important role in bringing the EU closer to you. Read more.

11. Euroopan Parlamentti

Malminkatu 16, Helsinki, Uusimaa
Embassy or Consulate · Kamppi · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Tietoisuuden lisääminen, tapahtumien järjestäminen ja kansalaisten EU-kysymyksiin vastaaminen - Euroopan parlamentin tiedotustoimistot tuovat EU:n lähemmäs sinua. Read more.

Europa-Parlamentet Informationskontoret i Danmark is one of European Parliament information offices.

12. Europa-Parlamentet Informationskontoret i Danmark

Gothersgade 115, København, Region Hovedstaden
Government Building · Indre By · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Oplyse, organisere begivenheder og besvare spørgsmål fra borgerne om EU-anliggender. Parlamentets informationskontorer spiller en vigtig rolle med at bringe EU tættere på dig. Read more.

13. Centro Europeu Jean Monnet

largo jean monnet, Lisboa, Lisboa
Structure · Coração de Jesus · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Os gabinetes de informação do Parlamento Europeu existem para informar os cidadãos, organizar eventos e responder às questões colocadas sobre a União Europeia. Read more.

14. Evropski parlament Informacijska pisarna v Sloveniji

Breg 14, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Government Building · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Obveščanje ljudi o delu EU, odgovarjanje na njihova vprašanja in organizacija dogodkov: informacijske pisarne Parlamenta želijo EU približati državljanom. Read more.

Europe House is one of European Parliament information offices.

15. Europe House

32 Smith Square, London, Greater London
Government Building · City of Westminster · 3 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Raising awareness, organising events and answering citizen's queries on EU affairs, the Parliament's information offices play an important role in bringing the EU closer to you. Read more.

16. Maison de l'Europe

Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes 7, Lëtzebuerg, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
Government Building · Ville-Haute · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Les bureaux d'information du Parlement européen rapprochent l'UE des citoyens. Ils sensibilisent, organisent des évènements, répondent aux questions des citoyens. Read more.

17. Parlamento Europeo Oficina de Información en España

P. de la Castellana 46, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid
Government Building · Castellana · 3 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Organizando eventos, respondiendo a las preguntas de los ciudadanos y dando a conocer la Unión Europea, las oficinas de información del Parlamento trabajan para que Europa esté más cerca de ti. Read more.

18. Parlement européen Bureau d’information pour le Sud-est

Rue Henri Barbusse 2, Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Government Building · Opéra · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Les bureaux d'information du Parlement européen rapprochent l'UE des citoyens. Ils sensibilisent, organisent des évènements, répondent aux questions des citoyens. Read more.

19. Parlamento Europeo Ufficio d'Informazione in Milano

Corso Magenta 59, Milano, Lombardia
Government Building · Magenta - San Vittore · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Sensibilizzazione, gestione delle richieste dei cittadini e organizzazione di eventi: gli uffici d'informazione del Parlamento giocano un ruolo fondamentale per avvicinare l'UE ai cittadini. Read more.

20. Europäisches Parlament Informationsbüro in München

Erhardtstr. 27, München, Bayern
Government Building · Deutsches Museum · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Die Informationsbüros des EU-Parlaments erläutern EU-Themen, organisieren Info-Veranstaltungen und Beantworten die Fragen der Bürger - sie sind Ihr direkter Draht zur EU. Read more.

Délégation du Parlement européen is one of European Parliament information offices.

21. Délégation du Parlement européen

288 boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, Île-de-France
Government Building · Invalides · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Les bureaux d'information du Parlement européen rapprochent l'UE des citoyens. Ils sensibilisent, organisent des évènements, répondent aux questions des citoyens. Read more.

22. Evropský dům

Jungmannova 745/24, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Government Building · Praha 1 · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Informační kanceláře EP hrají důležitou roli v přibližování EU a Evropského parlamentu občanům. Zprostředkovávají informace o dění v Parlamentu, organizují akce a odpovídají na dotazy veřejnosti o EU. Read more.

23. Eiropas Parlamenta informācijas birojs Latvijā

Aspāzijas bulv. 28, Rīga, Riga
Government Building · Centrs · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Informējot, organizējot pasākumus un atbildot uz pilsoņu jautājumiem par Eiropas Savienību, Parlamenta informācijas biroji spēlē būtisku lomu Eiropas Savienības tuvināšanā jums. Read more.

Parlamento Europeo - Ufficio d'Informazione per l'Italia is one of European Parliament information offices.

24. Parlamento Europeo - Ufficio d'Informazione per l'Italia

Via IV Novembre 149, Roma, Lazio
Government Building · Trevi · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Sensibilizzazione, gestione delle richieste dei cittadini e organizzazione di eventi: gli uffici d'informazione del Parlamento giocano un ruolo fondamentale per avvicinare l'UE ai cittadini. Read more.

25. Европейски парламент - Информационно бюро в България

124 Georgi S. Rakovski Str., София, София-град
Government Building · Оборище · 4 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Информационните бюра на Парламента Ви доближават до ЕС, като разпространяват информация, организират събития и отговарят на въпроси на гражданите за европейските политики. Read more.

26. Europahuset

Regeringsgatan 65, Stockholm, Storstockholm
Government Building · Klara · 4 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Europaparlamentets informationskontor i Sverige organiserar informationsträffar och debatter och svarar på dina frågor för att öka kunskapen om EU och minska avståndet till medborgaren. Read more.

27. Parlement Européen Bureau d’Information

Avenue du Président Robert Schuman 1, Strasbourg, Grand Est
Government Building · Orangerie · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Les bureaux d'information du Parlement européen rapprochent l'UE des citoyens. Ils sensibilisent, organisent des évènements, répondent aux questions des citoyens. Read more.

Euroopa Liidu Maja is one of European Parliament information offices.

28. Euroopa Liidu Maja

Rävala pst 4, Tallinn, Harju maakond
Government Building · Kesklinn · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Teadlikkuse tõstmine, ürituste korraldamine ning ELi toimimist puudutavatele kodanike küsimustele vastamine – parlamendi infobürood mängivad olulist rolli, et tuua EL Sulle lähemale. Read more.

29. Europe House

254 St. Paul Street, Valletta, Valletta
Government Building · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: L-uffiċji tal-informazzjoni fl-Istati Membri għandhom rwol importanti - huma sorsi ta' informazzjoni, jorganizzaw bosta avvenimenti u jirrispondu l-mistoqsijijiet taċ-ċittadini. Read more.

Europos Parlamento Informacijos biuras Lietuvoje is one of European Parliament information offices.

30. Europos Parlamento Informacijos biuras Lietuvoje

Gedimino Ave 16 (Vilniaus Street), Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis
Government Building · Senamiestis · No tips or reviews
Parlament Europejski is one of European Parliament information offices.

31. Parlament Europejski

Ul. Jasna 14, Warszawa, Województwo mazowieckie
Structure · Śródmieście Północne · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Czy wiesz czym zajmuje się Parlament Europejski? Nasze Biuro Informacyjne chętnie udzieli Ci informacji! Read more.

Embassy/Delegation of the European Union is one of European Parliament information offices.

32. Embassy/Delegation of the European Union

2175 K St NW, Washington, D.C.
Embassy or Consulate · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Not so much the Parliament's US information office as its liaison office with the US Congress. Read more.

Haus der Europäischen Union is one of European Parliament information offices.

33. Haus der Europäischen Union

Wipplingerstraße 35, Wien, Wien
Office · Innere Stadt · 2 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Die Informationsbüros des EU-Parlaments erläutern EU-Themen, organisieren Info-Veranstaltungen und Beantworten die Fragen der Bürger - sie sind Ihr direkter Draht zur EU. Read more.

34. Europa House

ul. Widok 10, Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie
Government Building · 4 tips and reviews

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Czy wiesz czym zajmuje się Parlament Europejski? Nasze Biuro Informacyjne chętnie udzieli Ci informacji! Read more.

Europski parlament, Ured za informiranje u Republici Hrvatskoj is one of European Parliament information offices.

35. Europski parlament, Ured za informiranje u Republici Hrvatskoj

Augusta Cesarca 6, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Government Building · Petar Krešimir IV · 1 tip

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Informiranje, organizacija događanja i odgovaranje na pitanja o europskim poslovima: uredi za informiranje Europskog parlamenta igraju važnu ulogu u približavanju Europske unije građanima. Read more.