700 Pennsylvania Ave NW (at 7th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Museum · Federal Triangle · 151 tips and reviews
NBC Politics: This venue holds original copies of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com.
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Government Building · Northwest Washington · 512 tips and reviews
NBC Politics: NBC's Brian Williams taped “Inside the Obama White House” - behind the scenes look at what goes on inside the White House and the West Wing each day in 2009. Get your wonk on at http://NBCPolitics.com
Burger Joint · Colonial Village · 129 tips and reviews
Washingtonian Magazine: Of all the restaurants Pres. Obama has visited in Washington, the only one to have merited a 2nd visit is this bare-bones burger joint. The patty is 10 oz. of prime, aged beef and eats like a steak.
2411 Mount Vernon Ave (at E. Uhler Ave.), Alexandria, VA
Cheese Store · Del Ray · 59 tips and reviews
Washingtonian Magazine: Some might find it overkill, but if you’re the kind of person who’s more likely to give up chocolate than cheddar, this wine bar within a cheese shop is cause for celebration.