Must have comida!

1. Franklin Barbecue - Moving to East Austin 3/12

3421 N Interstate 35, Austin, TX
Food Truck · Upper Boggy Creek · 21 tips and reviews

EaterEater: This food truck produces what has quickly become one of Austin's, if not Texas', most talked-about barbecue. It's so good they regularly run out of meat; get there early. [Eater 38 Member] Read more.

La Barbecue Cuisine Texicana is one of Must have comida!.

2. La Barbecue Cuisine Texicana

1906 E Cesar Chavez St (Chicon), Austin, TX
BBQ Joint · Central East Austin · 151 tips and reviews

Austin ChronicleAustin Chronicle: This trailer leaves most brick-and-mortar BBQ joints in the dust. Freshly handmade sausage, moist, meaty brisket, and tender beef ribs make this spot a wait-in-line destination. Read more.