Japan Places to Go
Tsukiji Market is one of Japan Places to Go.

1. Tsukiji Market

築地5-2-1, 東京, 東京都
Market · 築地 · 269 tips and reviews
Shinjuku Station is one of Japan Places to Go.

2. Shinjuku Station

新宿3/西新宿1/代々木2, 新宿区, 東京都
Rail Station · Shinjuku · 251 tips and reviews

DensDens: This is really an "all thru Tokyo" tip but whenever you see a drink machine throw in a few Yen & try something new. Don't drink the same thing twice. ProTip: blue light = cold drink, red light = hot!

東関部屋 is one of Japan Places to Go.

3. 東関部屋

東駒形4-6-4, 東京, 東京都
Martial Arts Dojo · 東駒形 · 1 tip

DensDens: You'll need a friend who speaks Japanese to sneak into one of the sumo practice sessions, but if you can swing it, you should 100% do this. Get there early (8:30?) for good seats. And no shoes inside!

Akiba Fukurou is one of Japan Places to Go.

4. Akiba Fukurou

神田練塀町67, 東京, 東京都
Pet Café · 秋葉原 · 17 tips and reviews

DensDens: This is the owl cafe of your dreams! All the owls you can pet for the low low price of ¥1500! (a bit tricky to find, follow the map) ps: Don't pet their bellys or they bite!

Daiwa Sushi is one of Japan Places to Go.

5. Daiwa Sushi

築地5-2-1 (魚がし横丁6号館), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 築地 · 89 tips and reviews

DensDens: Everyone will tell you it's "the best sushi they've had in their entire life!" & they're right. Go earlier than you think you need to go. ASK SOMEONE to make sure you're standing in the right line.

Mon cher ton ton is one of Japan Places to Go.

6. Mon cher ton ton

(六本木 モンシェルトントン)
六本木3-12-2 (B1F), 東京, 東京都
Steakhouse · 六本木 · 21 tips and reviews

DensDens: This may be one of the most expensive meals you'll have in Tokyo, but it may also be the best delicious piece of meat you'll ever have. Order the Kobe, upper left on the menu. The big portion.

HONMURA AN is one of Japan Places to Go.


六本木7-14-18 (2F), 東京, 東京都
Soba Restaurant · 六本木 · 25 tips and reviews

DensDens: Go here and have the uni soba. It'll blow your mind.

8. Tatsunoya

西新宿7-4-5, 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 歌舞伎町 · 59 tips and reviews

DensDens: In our 8 days in Tokyo, we tried 9 diff ramens & THIS ONE was our favorite. (I wish we went back!) It's a short walk north of Shinjuku Station. Look for the 4-5 steps you gotta climb to get in.

Kikanbo is one of Japan Places to Go.

9. Kikanbo

(カラシビ味噌らー麺 鬼金棒)
鍛冶町2-10-9, 千代田区, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 110 tips and reviews

DensDens: This was rec'd to me as Best Ramen in Tokyo & it didn't disappoint. You order with 2 variables -- spicyness (I went 2 of 4) and numbing (I went 3 of 4). Numbing is amazing (& I'd rec'd going 4 of 4)

Nikko Toshogu Shrine is one of Japan Places to Go.

10. Nikko Toshogu Shrine

山内2301, 日光市, 栃木県
Shrine · 52 tips and reviews
Google Japan is one of Japan Places to Go.

11. Google Japan

六本木6-10-1 (森タワー hall C), 港区, 東京都
Office · 19 tips and reviews
株式会社Marketo is one of Japan Places to Go.

12. 株式会社Marketo

Tech Startup · 港区 · No tips or reviews
Robot Restaurant is one of Japan Places to Go.

13. Robot Restaurant

歌舞伎町1-7-1 (新宿ロボットビル B2F), 東京, 東京都
Theme Restaurant · 歌舞伎町 · 157 tips and reviews
Tonkatsu Maisen is one of Japan Places to Go.

14. Tonkatsu Maisen

(とんかつ まい泉)
神宮前4-8-5, 東京, 東京都
Tonkatsu Restaurant · 神宮前 · 173 tips and reviews
Ichiran is one of Japan Places to Go.

15. Ichiran

六本木4-11-11 (六本木GMビル 2F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 六本木 · 40 tips and reviews
Fu-unji is one of Japan Places to Go.

16. Fu-unji

代々木2-14-3 (北斗第一ビル 1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 代々木 · 141 tips and reviews

DensDens: I know everyone says get the Tsukemen (aka: noodles on the side) but I enjoyed the ramen much more (one of my favs from our trip).

Yoyogi Park is one of Japan Places to Go.

17. Yoyogi Park

代々木神園町/神南2, 東京, 東京都
Park · 明治神宮 · 156 tips and reviews

DensDens: If you're staying nearby, this is a great spot to walk off your Golden Gai hangover (or to just escape the madness of Shinjuku or Shibuya)

WIRED CAFE 渋谷QFRONT店 is one of Japan Places to Go.


宇田川町21-6 (QFRONT 6F), 東京, 東京都
Café · 宇田川町 · 26 tips and reviews

DensDens: Take a break from the Shibuya madness and browse the racks and racks and racks of magazines. Don't miss the "how to do cos-play" magazines.

Tokyo Tower is one of Japan Places to Go.

19. Tokyo Tower

芝公園4-2-8, 東京, 東京都
Monument · 芝公園 · 283 tips and reviews

DensDens: Touristy? Yes. Beautiful? Yes. Go and snap a photo.

ELE TOKYO is one of Japan Places to Go.


麻布十番1-4-5, 東京, 東京都
Night Club · 六本木 · 6 tips and reviews

DensDens: We went on New Years and it was an amazingly fun shit show. If you're visiting, worth checking out to see how the Tokyo kids do their Saturday nights.

Tokyo Skytree is one of Japan Places to Go.

21. Tokyo Skytree

押上1-1-2, 墨田区, 東京都
Monument · 320 tips and reviews
Senso-ji Temple is one of Japan Places to Go.

22. Senso-ji Temple

浅草2-3-1, 台東区, 東京都
Buddhist Temple · Asakusa · 288 tips and reviews
Imperial Palace is one of Japan Places to Go.

23. Imperial Palace

千代田1-1, 東京, 東京都
Palace · 皇居 · 123 tips and reviews
Shibuya Station is one of Japan Places to Go.

24. Shibuya Station

道玄坂1/2, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 道玄坂 · 150 tips and reviews
Randen Arashiyama Station (A13) is one of Japan Places to Go.

25. Randen Arashiyama Station (A13)

(嵐電 嵐山駅)
右京区嵯峨天龍寺造路町, 京都市, 京都府
Tram Station · 右京区 · 28 tips and reviews
Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of Japan Places to Go.

26. Fushimi Inari Taisha

伏見区深草藪之内町68, 京都市, 京都府
Shrine · 363 tips and reviews
Nishiki Market is one of Japan Places to Go.

27. Nishiki Market

中京区西大文字町609 (富小路通四条上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Market · 中京区 · 168 tips and reviews
Kiyomizu-dera Temple is one of Japan Places to Go.

28. Kiyomizu-dera Temple

東山区清水1-294, 京都市, 京都府
Buddhist Temple · 255 tips and reviews
Kinkaku-ji Temple is one of Japan Places to Go.

29. Kinkaku-ji Temple

(鹿苑寺 (金閣寺))
北区金閣寺町1, 京都市, 京都府
Buddhist Temple · 209 tips and reviews
Ginkaku-ji Temple is one of Japan Places to Go.

30. Ginkaku-ji Temple

(慈照寺 (銀閣寺))
左京区銀閣寺町2, 京都市, 京都府
Buddhist Temple · 76 tips and reviews
Yasaka Shrine is one of Japan Places to Go.

31. Yasaka Shrine

東山区祇園町北側625, 京都市, 京都府
Shrine · 東山区 · 67 tips and reviews
Tofuku-ji is one of Japan Places to Go.

32. Tofuku-ji

東山区本町15-778, 京都市, 京都府
Buddhist Temple · 東山区 · 35 tips and reviews
Nijo-jo Castle is one of Japan Places to Go.

33. Nijo-jo Castle

中京区二条城町541 (二条通堀川西入), 京都市, 京都府
Historic and Protected Site · 129 tips and reviews
Akihabara Station is one of Japan Places to Go.

34. Akihabara Station

外神田1/神田佐久間町1, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 秋葉原 · 126 tips and reviews
Ghibli Museum is one of Japan Places to Go.

35. Ghibli Museum

下連雀1-1-83, 三鷹市, 東京都
Art Museum · 135 tips and reviews
Ippudo is one of Japan Places to Go.

36. Ippudo

六本木4-9-11 (第2小田切ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 六本木 · 95 tips and reviews
Menya Musashi is one of Japan Places to Go.

37. Menya Musashi

西新宿7-2-6 (K-1ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 歌舞伎町 · 36 tips and reviews
Funaoka Onsen is one of Japan Places to Go.

38. Funaoka Onsen

北区紫野南舟岡町82-1, 京都市, 京都府
Bath House · 30 tips and reviews
soto is one of Japan Places to Go.

39. soto

中京区笹屋町446 (井上ビル B1F/姉小路東洞院東入ル北側), 京都市, 京都府
Teishoku Restaurant · 65 tips and reviews