Lunch in tampere
Thai & Laos Restaurant is one of Lunch in tampere.

1. Thai & Laos Restaurant

Näsilinnankatu 23, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Thai Restaurant · 17 tips and reviews
4 Vuodenaikaa is one of Lunch in tampere.

2. 4 Vuodenaikaa

Hämeenkatu 19, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
French Restaurant · 21 tips and reviews
Pizzeria Napoli Ristorante is one of Lunch in tampere.

3. Pizzeria Napoli Ristorante

Aleksanterinkatu 31, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Pizzeria · 87 tips and reviews
Indian Restaurant Nanda Devi is one of Lunch in tampere.

4. Indian Restaurant Nanda Devi

Näsilinnankatu 17 (btwn Puutarhankatu & Satakunnankatu), Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Indian Restaurant · 32 tips and reviews
Ravintola Herkku is one of Lunch in tampere.

5. Ravintola Herkku

Hämeenkatu 21, Tampere, Pirkanmaa
Cafeteria · 9 tips and reviews