5-й Котельнический пер., 11 (Гончарная ул.), Москва, Москва
History Museum · Таганский · 101 tips and reviews
We heart Moscow: Constructed in 1956 as a Soviet army command centre and nuclear bomb shelter, the location of this top-secret bunker was only revealed in 2006 when it became a museum. Book tickets in advance via web.
Неглинная ул., 14, стр. 3-7 (Сандуновский пер.), Москва, Москва
Sauna · Мещанский · 219 tips and reviews
We heart Moscow: As the city's oldest and most exclusive bathhouse, the 19th-century Sanduny Banya has rejuvenated everyone from dramatist Anton Chehkov to billionaire tycoon Roman Abramovich in it's time.