Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Zaragoza to go with friends:

  • 8.8

    Meson Martin

    Tapas Restaurant C. de María Guerrero, 26-42 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (33 tips):

    • Maria M.
      Maria Merino: "Great restaurant! Everything was amazing. Highly recommended the huevos rotos, chipirones a la plancha and the superb dessert escandalo."
  • 8.8

    Taj Mahal Comics

    Bookstore Calle de Juan Pablo Bonet, 16 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (12 tips):

    • guillermo c.
      guillermo campo: "La mejor libreria especializada en comic de Zaragoza, ademas si te haces socio te hacen un 10% de descuento, un lujo en tiempos de crisis. El trato es genial, no lo cambio por nada."
  • 8.5

    Museo Goya

    Art Museum Espoz y Mina 23 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Andrew L.
      Andrew Litvak: "The collection of Goya’s drawings - and the explanations of their meaning - makes this well worth a visit."
  • 8.5

    Beer Corner

    Beer Bar Heroísmo 2 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Verónica B.
      Verónica Blazher: "Bar de cervezas artesanales, todas de primera calidad. Buen ambiente, buena música y los camareros controlan y saben lo que venden, que no es poco."
  • 8.9

    El Cachirulo

    Spanish Restaurant Autovía de Logroño Km. 1,500 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Walid F.
      Walid Fakhouri: "If in Zaragoza, don't miss out on this place. Fantastic"
  • 9.2

    Palacio de la Aljafería

    Monument Calle de los Diputados, s/n Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (76 tips):

    • Zaragoza Turismo
      Zaragoza Turismo: "This palace was built on the 11th century by the Zaragoza moslem kings of the time. Hosts mudejar art style listed as "mankind heritage" by the UNESCO. It is the seat of the regional parliament now."

People are talking about these places in Zaragoza:

  • 9.2

    Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar

    Church Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (84 tips):

    • Evan W.
      Evan Weinman: "A beautiful and large cathedral with a humongous stones carved statue. Worth going just to see the architecture m"
    • Leo D.
      Leo DW8R: "Very impressive church. If you want to take a picture inside, watch out for the guards ..."
  • 8.7

    Plaza de la Magdalena

    Plaza Pz. de la Magdalena Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (4 tips):

    • Paula F.
      Paula Fortes Babier: "Fantástica plaza para pasar un rato entre amigos. Tiene varias terrazas muy acogedoras y comercios muy chulos donde poder comprar artículos de todo tipo."
    • An P.
      An Po🐶: "Главное на площади - это башня в стиле мудехар одноименного собора. Пройти ее не возможно. Раньше здесь была романская церковь"
  • 9.0

    Parque José Antonio Labordeta - Parque Grande

    Park Paseo Isabel La Católica, s/n Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (43 tips):

    • Zaragoza Turismo
      Zaragoza Turismo: "Enjoy with numerous and varied spaces of José Antonio Labordeta Park!!!, such as San Sebastián avenue, the ornamental fountains, the Botanic Garden or Goya's Corner."
    • Daniel D.
      Daniel Delgado: "Until September 2010 it was called "Parque Primo de Rivera" and it's commonly known as "Parque Grande" but it's real name is "Parque Grande José Antonio Labordeta""

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