Here are some popular tips in Yeşılköy. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Yeşılköy to go with friends:

  • 8.7

    Havacılık Müzesi

    Museum Eski Havaalanı Cd. Yeşilköy Bakırköy, İstanbul

    People also say (89 tips):

    • Erkan S.
      Erkan Saka: "I wish we could go into, at least, some of the airplanes. That's one of the minuses. Otherwise, it is a relaxing, windy experience to see various kinds of warplanes and some other relevant vehicles."
  • 9.2

    Game of Lokma Yeşilköy İstasyon Cd.

    Dessert Shop Yeşilköy Mah. İstasyon Cad. No; 1/44 İstanbul, Yeşilköy

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Ogün S.
      Ogün S.: "Internetten bulup bu güzel lezetti tatmak icin özelikle gittim, iyi ki gitmişim bugüne kadar bu kadar lezettli taze ve hafif bi lokma yememistim."
  • 8.9

    Yeşilköy Sahili

    Waterfront Yeşilköy Bakırköy, İstanbul

    People also say (669 tips):

    • Morris S.
      Morris Sin: "Bring your mosquito repellent spray; else not a bad place to get summer sun for some tanning. Bit place for swimming as water seems clean but lots of stuffs you don't want to swallow a can of cola."
  • 9.0


    Greek Restaurant Yeşilköy Mah. Yeşilbahçe Sok. No:9 Bakırköy, İstanbul

    People also say (675 tips):

    • Deniz E.
      Deniz E.: "You can, actually you should, eat anything you want. All super tasty, all so fresh. One of the best fish restaurants in the city. Bonus is the good music and reasonable prices. Definitely recommended!"
  • 9.0

    Pizza Grande

    Pizzeria Yeşilköy - İskele Caddesi No:6 İstanbul, İstanbul

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Kübra Y.
      Kübra Yıldırım: "İnce hamurlu ve düz kenarlı pizzaları olan küçük şirin mekan. Ben sarımsaklı pesto soslu imza pizzalarını denedim ve çok beğendim 🍕 İkram ettikleri kendi üretimleri anne sosları da çok lezzetli 🤗🤗"
  • 8.9

    Yeşilköy Taşfırın Yöresel Pide Lahmacun

    Comfort Food Restaurant Bostan Sokak No:31/B Bakırköy, İstanbul

    People also say (40 tips):

    • Kary R.
      Kary Ramirez: "Excelent food.prices, service. Love the soup and the Lahmancun"

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