Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Vigo to go with friends:

  • 9.2

    Parque de Castrelos

    Park Parque de Castrelos Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (37 tips):

    • Gabriel M.
      Gabriel Masid: "A popular green place for walking around, one of the biggest parks in Vigo, you should visit this and O Castro Park as well for the views"
  • 8.7

    Los 80s

    Bar Calle de Casiano Martínez Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Quetecomo D.
      Quetecomo Descuentos: "Descubre las promociones de la cafetería pub Los 80´s en Vigo, haciendo clic en"
  • 8.9

    Teatro Afundación Vigo

    Theater Rúa de Policarpo Sanz, 12 Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (7 tips):

    • Antonio F.
      Antonio Fernandez: "Desde Vigo les ofrecemos innovadores espacios interactivos para eventos de todo tipo. Mandamos nuestra web"
  • 8.8

    The Othilio

    Restaurant Calle Luis Taboada Nº 9 Pontevedra, Galicia

    People also say (41 tips):

    • Lucy O.
      Lucy O: "One of the best (if not the best) restaurants in Vigo. Food and service are great. Book in advance especially for lunch on the weekend. Try Galician dessert wine (on the pic), it’s amazing and rare."
  • 8.5

    20th Century Rock

    Pub areal 80 Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (34 tips):

    • Nuno O.
      Nuno Oliveira: "Best bar in Vigo. Decoration is amazing, similar to a Hard Rock Cafe, with Harley's, Guitar's, an old American Cab (Taxi) and even an old Tram like those you have in New Orleans."
  • 8.8

    Uno Está

    Cocktail Bar R. Real, 14 Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (7 tips):

    • Angelos
      Angelos: "Nice service and excellent cocktails"

People are talking about these places in Vigo:

  • 8.9

    Illas Cíes

    Island Illas Cíes Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (64 tips):

    • Nacho S.
      Nacho Sierra: "Definitely, find half a day to visit it. Have a walk (following any of the routes perfectly drawn) once you arrive. After that, enjoy the beach. Chill out."
    • Josh .
      Josh 🌶☢: "You MUST get a reservation ahead of times to have any chance of a visit. Bring water and pack out your own garbage. Beautiful."
  • 9.0

    Praia de Samil

    Beach Avenida de Samil, Navia (San Paio) Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (45 tips):

    • Daniela B.
      Daniela Bonato: "Beautiful beach, white sand. Perfect for a beach day in summer or a nice walk in winter. Very recommended"
    • Mark A.
      Mark Auchincloss: "Magnificent beach with wonderful views, gets crowded in July/August as it's popular with the local Vigo public"
  • 8.7

    Praia do Vao

    Beach Rúa de Canido Vigo, Galicia

    People also say (7 tips):

    • Ruth D.
      Ruth Domínguez: "Una de las playas más concurridas del entorno urbano de Vigo. Recuperada reciente para aparecer en el reportaje:"
    • Alberto F.
      Alberto Fernandez: "Uno de los sitios mejores que conozco para pasear con el perro en otoño/invierno. En verano también está genial la playa lástima de chiringuito que lo desmontaron como una caja de palillos ..."

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