Dimitar Smilyanov: "A must visit if you're in Utrecht. 1890s church turned beer bar. Over 60 different beers, tasty food and attentive staff. First place with real Duvel on tap. Try the ham on a bone."
Dimitar Smilyanov: "If you like coffee, this is your place. Try their filter blend and order a vacuum pot. It's delicious. Considering the quality - prices are very low. Go early in the day if you want to grab a seat!"
Britt Weijermars: "The sandwiches they serve are the best in town. Always fresh, thousand kinds of cheese or ham, and combinations I would or could never make at home. Omnomnom"
Jelmer Laks: "One of the best ice cream parlors in Utrecht. Pick any flavor and enjoy. Eat your ice cream at the park just around the corner at restaurant goesting."
Appie Alferink: "Prachtige oude Kerk, later metaalfabriek. Nu broedplaats voor kunstenaars, maar ook plek om een feestje te geven. Is weer eens wat anders. En als je er bent:ga naar de bovenverdieping"
PInar Y.: "Great playground for kids. Nice area with a possibility of feeding animals on some days. There is a cozy cafe close to the playground, which serves delicious sandwiches and tostis."
Mirna Lima: "Nice place to bring the kids to play!"