Květa Garčeková: "Really delicious tortilla de patatas. And Czech beer in Madrid! Bar is very crowed in evenings. But if you like these two things, you have to go there."
Idan T: "Nice and cozy place.Enjoyed the late night delicious left over traditional omelets with potatoes , a Spanish delight, one Parmesan, one classic onion which was quiet good:)with a glass of white wine"
Rachel Copps: "Specialty coffee, toast, bagels, salads & cakes. The coffee is some of the best in Madrid for sure and a really cool place to chill for a bit with free wifi"
Coffee Shop C. Palma, 49 Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid
People also say (359 tips):
Jerome Ibanez: "The best third wave coffee shop in Madrid. Place is small but chic and the WiFi is great. Tried their flat white and cold brew coffee both were fantastic. Only downside is that service is slow"
Iratxe Martinez: "Los mejores cosméticos hechos a manos, TODOS vegetarianos, algunos veganos. Siempre te dan muestras con tus compras. Tienen paquetes de regalos ya preparados. Un poco cara. Lo mejor: jabón de regaliz"
May Fierros: "Tienda muy chula en plena corredera, calle con mucha vida y muchos bares k merecen la pena. La tienda esta llena de curiosidades y muebles chulos. No te la pierdas si estas x la zona!!;-))"