Aldona: "I loved this ramen so much, I still sometimes dream about it. Very rich tori paitan broth, fills you up with joy, and then the friendliest staff! They have an English menu."
ivy♥: "Great quality meat and superb service! Their chicken hearts are good, just like their pincanhas! If you like onion, potato or cheese, they have them on skewers as well.. And boy, they taste SO good!"
Epicurean 🗼dventures: "4those w/sweet tooth, this place has a wide variety of dessert choices 2satiate your appetite.D pancakes w/mango & dragon fruit is 2die4.& d vanilla choc & banana ice cream isn't half bad either.👍👍"
Cecilia Frankel: "Super nice bar with a vast vinyl collection. Ask for a pen and napkin and feel free to wish for all your favorite songs from 60's - 90's."
Artyom Fedosov: "Few floors filled with cute and useful stuff. Ground floor is about gifts and it has so cool content that you may wanna buy everything here. Get tax free if your purchase costs more than 1000 ¥."
Matt Ta-Min: "Come here for your souvenir shopping. You'll find so many lovely Japanese items. A couple of hours can easily be spent browsing around the different floors. Lots of food options here also."
Svetlana Djokoska: "There are no words to describe how amazing this place is.. the staff are awesome.. And there's pics of various bands who have been there scattered around the store.. All the bands I love are here!!!"
Vincent Tan: "Largest Tower in the world and one of the last of its kind... A dedicated music store. Enjoy while you can. It won't be around for that much longer."