Here are some popular tips in Tverskoy. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Tverskoy to go with friends:

  • 8.7

    Found Record Store & Pizzeria

    Italian Restaurant Цветной бул., 15, стр. 1 Москва, Москва

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Rodrиго Р.
      Rodrиго Ривера: "Found has a relaxed environment. The pizzas are among the best in town. The crowd is very mixed. Stylish hipsters and business suits frequent the location. In summer, they have a fantastic terrace"
  • 9.0

    Борис сонный

    Coffee Shop Селезневская ул., 32 Москва, Москва

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Muffin Man
      Muffin Man: "WHY THERE: coffee shop, espresso bar, pastry, interior. STUFF: lovely. STAFF: dope. LOCATION: outta mainstream (relatively convenient). PRICES: average (reasonable). [BORIS SONNY]"
  • 8.8

    Boston Seafood & Bar

    Seafood Restaurant Лесная ул., 7 Москва, Москва

    People also say (705 tips):

    • themanwiththeluggage
      themanwiththeluggage: "A must for seafood lovers! Try the pike caviar and the smoked shrimps! End the meal with a maracuja creme brûlée! Very crowded and lively place"
  • 9.2

    Moscow Art Theatre

    Theater Камергерский пер., 3 Москва, Москва

    People also say (407 tips):

    • Tanya W.
      Tanya Was Here: "One of the best theatres in Moscow with 3 stages. Wonderful plays for different audiences. A lot of cafes nearby. Perfect place to enjoy art"
  • 8.7

    Surf Coffee

    Coffee Shop Тверская ул., 25/12 Москва, Москва

    People also say (20 tips):

  • 8.9


    Clothing Store Столешников пер., 2 Москва, Москва

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Anna Z.
      Anna Zhdanova: "Чудесная веранда, идеально для лета. Хорошее веганское меню"

People are talking about these places in Tverskoy:

  • 8.7

    Nikulin Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard

    Circus Цветной бул., 13 Москва, Москва

    People also say (199 tips):

    • Maria G.
      Maria Godsey: "Constructor show was a lot of fun... Dogs, parrots,a bear, horses and 6 cheetahs!!! Plus fun acrobatics!"
    • Oat A.
      Oat Anakatham: "Everything"
  • 8.8

    Kamergerskiy pereulok

    Road Камергерский пер. Москва, Москва

    People also say (58 tips):

    • Tiffany Z.
      Tiffany Z: "One of the main walking streets in the center, shops, restaurants cafes and entertainment, great on the weekend!"
    • Theveryam
      Theveryam: "Огромное количество различных кафе и ресторанов на любой вкус! МХАТ имени Чехова! Пед-книжка! Плюс - само по себе хорошее место для прогулки!"
  • 9.1

    Spa-cалон Янус

    Spa 1-й Тверской-Ямской пер., 18 Москва, Москва

    People also say (10 tips):

    • "Обертывания, инфракрасная сауна и антицеллюлитный массаж, скраб на горячем мраморе, фито-ванна с ручным подводным гидромассажем, реафирмирующий массаж с маской по типу кожи, испанский гемолимфодренаж."
    • Natalie M.
      Natalie Moiseenkova: "Лучший массаж в городе за небезумные деньги. Среди косметологов - рекомендую лену. Испанский массаж лица унесет на облака."

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