themanwiththeluggage: "A must for seafood lovers! Try the pike caviar and the smoked shrimps! End the meal with a maracuja creme brûlée! Very crowded and lively place"
Tanya Was Here: "One of the best theatres in Moscow with 3 stages. Wonderful plays for different audiences. A lot of cafes nearby. Perfect place to enjoy art"
Lisa Purshaga: "Great coffee and so much space!There’s a community table as well individual seating, just so much room giving each person room to work and talk without bothering others. The staff is kind & helpful!"
Tiffany Z: "One of the main walking streets in the center, shops, restaurants cafes and entertainment, great on the weekend!"
Theveryam: "Огромное количество различных кафе и ресторанов на любой вкус! МХАТ имени Чехова! Пед-книжка! Плюс - само по себе хорошее место для прогулки!" "Обертывания, инфракрасная сауна и антицеллюлитный массаж, скраб на горячем мраморе, фито-ванна с ручным подводным гидромассажем, реафирмирующий массаж с маской по типу кожи, испанский гемолимфодренаж."
Natalie Moiseenkova: "Лучший массаж в городе за небезумные деньги. Среди косметологов - рекомендую лену. Испанский массаж лица унесет на облака."
Mark Ilansky: "Intersection of three metro lines, lots of restaurants and cafés, Boulevard Circle. Take a walk to the Red Square and stop by Eliseevsky supermarket (Tverskaya's left side) to contemplate the grand."
Tiffany Z: "Beautiful square, with Pushkin monument! Enjoy little market places and the vibe of the big city surrounded by trees!"