Here are some popular tips in Smíchov. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Smíchov to go with friends:

  • 9.0


    Noodle Restaurant Plzeňská 232/4 Smíchov, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (1 tips):

    • Elizabeth K.
      Elizabeth Kot: "Food is amazing!! Would eat it everyday if I could"
  • 9.2

    Underdogs' Ballroom & Bar

    Music Venue Nádražní 3 Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (2 tips):

  • 9.1

    The Italians

    Gourmet Store Strakonická 948/1 Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (372 tips):

    • Katya O.
      Katya Obolenskaya: "Very nice and extraordinary place to eat and to sit with friends. The concept is unique and original. Mix of market of qualified goods and open restaurant. Very recommended 👍🏼❤️"
  • 9.2

    Kinského zahrada

    Park Nám. Kinských Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (20 tips):

    • Balazs H.
      Balazs Horvath: "A huge park almost in the city center with a great view from the top."
  • 9.1


    Café Zborovská 84/60 Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (144 tips):

    • Tadeáš K.
      Tadeáš Kula ☕️: "Everything here is so good. 'm just sitting and watching how r people happy about the whole service. Perfect spot for breakfast, working, chatting or just a delightful coffee. Try these boiled eggs!"
  • 9.0

    TRIKO Kafe & Koloniál

    Buffet U Nikolajky 12 Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Magdalena M.
      Magdalena Mrázková: "This shop/cafe is tiny but that 's exactly what makes its charm. The interiour, the atmosphere, the staff, the menu&assortment... everything has a cute retro vibe that makes you happy"

People are talking about these places in Smíchov:

  • 8.9

    Vyhlídka Strahov

    Scenic Lookout Vaníčkova Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Tomáš J.
      Tomáš Jelínek: "If you like views, check this one out ;-)"
    • Katerina V.
      Katerina Vorel: "S tím výhledem to v době vegetace není zas tak horký. V zimě asi lepší. Parkujte v uliciza nemocnici nebo se místní aktivni blb po*ere dulezitosti na 156ku."
  • 8.8

    Nhà Hai Hành

    Vietnamese Restaurant Drtinova 358/20 Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (2 tips):

    • Petr J.
      Petr J.: "What a perfect concept! So much effort put into every small detail from the decorations to the food. Three course Restaurant week menu was out of this world amazing!"
    • Georgi
      Georgi: "Bún māng gà was the best - hearty and tender with tons of greens. Nice people too. Seems they have Lao hot pot soup too, but need to book 48hrs earlier"
  • 8.8

    Stanice přírodovědců (DDM hl. m. Prahy)

    Botanical Garden Drtinova 199/1A Praha, Hlavní město Praha

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Andrew P.
      Andrew Pribram-Riddell: "Peaceful oasis in the middle of busy Prague five. Cute kangaroos, emus, horses, goats, birds and nice smelling plants."
    • Аня
      Аня: "В жару и ламам тяжело..."

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