Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in San Sebastian to go with friends:

  • 9.1

    Borda Berri

    Tapas Restaurant C. Fermín Calbetón, 12 San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (189 tips):

    • Luke W.
      Luke White: "Try the pulpo a la plantxa with membrillo (quince), the risotto with goat cheese, the pork 'kebab' (curried pork ribs), the tuna-stuffed tomato, and the 'bomba' rice (with squid). Amazing pintxos here"
  • 9.1

    La Gintoneria

    Cocktail Bar C. Zabaleta, 6 San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (32 tips):

    • Tiffany D.
      Tiffany D.: "Ask the bartender to make you a gin+tonic and be sure to watch how he makes it! Great bar."
  • 9.6

    La Concha Beach

    Beach Paseo de La Concha, s/n San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (109 tips):

    • Sahil G.
      Sahil Gupta: "One of the best city beaches anywhere in the world. Great people, super waves, even when the weather is cool, waters still warm. Dont miss"
  • 9.1

    Mala Gissona Beer House

    Beer Bar Zabaleta 53 San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (18 tips):

    • Adra
      Adra: "Great beers, I love that you can get a zurito (small) size to try the different ones! My favorite was the Apatxe APA. Fries come with a tasty curry sauce and mayo, but I think they have ketchup, too."
  • 9.0

    Bar La Viña

    Tapas Restaurant 31 de Agosto, 3 San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (178 tips):

    • AmateurConcierge
      AmateurConcierge: "Might have been our favorite stop this trip and THE way to end your pintxos hop cuz the cheesecake is that good indeed. But don't sleep on what was also probably the best tortilla we've had in Spain"
  • 8.9

    Bar Nestor

    Bar Calle pescaderia, 11, BAJO San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (96 tips):

    • İlker E.
      İlker Ergen: "Probably the best meal I have in here. They're so warm and welcome. I can say that after Gandarias and Borda Berri experiences. Everything is wonderful, don't miss."

People are talking about these places in San Sebastian:

  • 9.1

    Palacio Miramar

    Monument Paseo de Miraconcha, 48 San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Daniel
      Daniel: "Best view of San Sebastian bay. Too pretty to go alone, grab your date! Picnic, nap, or sunbathe."
    • Io A.
      Io As Soon: "Very beautiful palace and park. Very good sight of the bay of San Sebastián."
  • 9.1

    Paseo de La Concha

    Other Great Outdoors Paseo de La Concha San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (52 tips):

    • TripStory
      TripStory: "One of the best cities in the world. San Sebastian has it all; Great food, people, sights, nightlife, beach and more."
    • Ayse O.
      Ayse Ozyilmazel: "Sun rise and sunset is amazing... take a long walk and do surfing"
  • 9.2

    Monte Urgull

    Scenic Lookout Pasealeku Berria San Sebastián, País Vasco

    People also say (29 tips):

    • Andrew C.
      Andrew C: "For as close as this is to the beach there's very few people making the hike up to the top. Enjoy the seclusion and shade of the trees on a hot day."
    • Veronika P.
      Veronika Petrenko: "You have to climb up but its totally worth it. Amazing forest with fresh trees, incredible views of the city"

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