Cesar Brasil: "If you want to take a guided tour, (Tuesday to Saturday), get there at 10am sharp. Even if you want the 1pm tour, the ticket get sold out pretty fast, since it only supports up to 50 people."
Francisca Nacht: "Great overall. Nice starters, the chef mixed sushi a bit over complicated but good for a change, and the brownie simply incredible. Great mood, new favorite Japanese."
Mountain Morro do Pão de Açúcar Rio de Janeiro, RJ
People also say (570 tips):
naveen: "great spot for photos - especially around dusk. the mountain Urca, next to it, is where you should get a helicopter ride around Açúcar and the beaches and around Cristo. well worth it."
Emilio Borel: "Awesome place and view! Try and arrive as early as possible to avoid big crowds in the cable cars and get the best shots at the top. A tip for foreign visitors: everything is way costy up there."
Thiago Amorim: "Do mirante, sem a perimetral, é possível descortinar um belo visual da Zona Portuária revitalizada, incluindo o MdA (use the belvedere to get a beautiful view from the docks and neighborhood)"
Travel + Leisure: "Behind the 17th-century monastery’s austere façade, you’ll find colonial-era panels and an intricately carved, gold-plated altar. Resident monks sing Gregorian chant during Sunday morning Mass."