Here are some popular tips in Polanco. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Polanco to go with friends:

  • 9.2

    Cabanna Restaurant

    Seafood Restaurant Av. Presidente Masaryk 134, Polanco Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal

    People also say (367 tips):

    • memo r.
      memo ruizcornejo: "The burrito “mar y tierra” is my favourite. Taco “bonnito” is good too. Have tried a couple of pizzas and I would suggest ordering something else."
  • 9.3

    Parque Lincoln

    Park Av. Emilio Castelar Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal

    People also say (331 tips):

    • Cori S.
      Cori Scott: "Great place to walk your dog and get in tune with nature :) also, VERY yummy restaurants nearby."
  • 9.3

    Santa Clara

    Ice Cream Parlor Masaryk Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal

    People also say (59 tips):

    • Ina L.
      Ina Li: "Gluten free ice cream chains that offer rich flavors and friendly portions! Recommend"
  • 9.2


    Ice Cream Parlor Av. Emilio Castelar 107H Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal

    People also say (34 tips):

    • Kandu T.
      Kandu Tapia: "The ice creams are handmade with very good flavor and with natural ingredients. A very good option for those who love ice cream. There are people waiting, but the line moves fast and it's worth it."
  • 9.0


    Cocktail Bar Julio Verne 102 Polanco, Distrito Federal

    People also say (50 tips):

    • Guillermo R.
      Guillermo Reyes: "Bar is inside a steak restaurant in the rear. You cannot see from the street. Great atmosphere and great drinks/ service. One of my faves in CDMX when I am in town."
  • People also say (5 tips):

    • Quike C.
      Quike Celaya: "Me encanta todo, su cafetería, excelente, buen detalle de esta sucursal. Descansas, te refrescas, te ofrecen agua, café o té, un descanso de tu caminata por Masaryk"

People are talking about these places in Polanco:

  • 9.3

    El Palacio de los Palacios

    Department Store Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal

    People also say (99 tips):

    • Emiliano M.
      Emiliano Méndez: "Nice store in the middle of Polanco with many brands from NY and the U.K. - there's also a nice food terrace for lunch."
    • A. L.
      A. Lozada: "This is not a department store. It's an open mall with a fancy name. Navigation inside is a nightmare, and their touch screens are no real help. This expensive brand behemoth manages to feel cramped."
  • 9.2

    Spa by Liverpool

    Spa Mariano Escobedo 425 Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal

    People also say (37 tips):

    • Milly M.
      Milly M.: "Very relaxing and nice"
    • Jay B.
      Jay Bear: "Expensive compare with Asian, Service quality and facility is OK anyway, however I give 7.8 according to my global footprint of Spa/Massage."
  • 9.2

    El Palacio de Hierro

    Shopping Mall Av. Moliere 222 Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal

    People also say (320 tips):

    • Dama M.
      Dama Mrno: "Nice, elegant and fancy. Good selection of organic food and great fashion brands. Moreover, the terrace is a must."
    • Ed G.
      Ed G: "Even though it's a fashion mall, there's a food court in a nice terrace with great views of this part of the city. Worth the visit."

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