Coffee Shop Jalan Ampera Raya no.9 Jakarta, Jakarta
People also say (18 tips):
Bayu Weda Suputra: "The place is very cozy. The chocolate milkshake makes you want to order again and again. Didn't order any food but I think the table next to me had a very good time with the food."
Widjayanti Mahyudin: "This is RM Sederhana w better sitting. Have not yet find though meat fr array of dishes. I like its gulai singkong w slightly sour broth fr belimbing wuluh. N the terong cabe is so fresh..crunch!!"
Coffee Shop Jalan Jeruk Purut Dalam No. 25 Jakarta, Jakarta
People also say (2 tips):
Reed Farhampton: "The place is unique, you could enjoy the picnic-like experience and the interior of the building is great! Ferrero cheese cake was a mindblowing one. They got AC and ambient music, great for hangout!"
Ramadhan Djaffri: "The place for cleansing your mind and soul from life's mess. Not-to-be-missed programs including Helateater, Jazz Buzz, and Bienal Sastra. Special 50%-off price is available for students."