Here are some popular tips in Palermo. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Palermo to go with friends:

  • 8.8

    Il Signor di Carbognano

    Ice Cream Parlor via Notarbartolo 2/c Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (14 tips):

    • Marco R.
      Marco Romeo: "Currently the Best ice cream in town. Do not miss it."
  • 8.7

    Mercato del Capo

    Market Porta Carini Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (25 tips):

    • Oliver M.
      Oliver Magro: "A great place to observe Palermitani going about their daily lives (which will always include buon cibo - good food) as well as a dazzling display of vegetables, fruit, fish and meat ..."
  • 8.9

    Caffetteria del Corso

    Bar Corso Vittorio Emanuele 370 Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (9 tips):

  • 9.1

    Gelateria al Cassaro

    Gelato Shop Corso Vittorio Veneto Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (8 tips):

    • Roza G.
      Roza G.: "Inexpensive delicious gelato and tasty granita! Best in Palermo. Bonus: open till late at night"
  • 9.0

    Quattro Canti

    Historic and Protected Site Piazza Vigliena Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (28 tips):

    • Sicily Tourism
      Sicily Tourism: "Quattro Canti is a baroque square made on 1609-1620. The building contain fountains with statues of the four seasons, the four Spanish kings of Sicily, and of the patronesses of Palermo."
  • 8.7

    Botteghe Colletti

    Cocktail Bar Via Alessandro Paternostro Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (9 tips):

    • Elif
      Elif: "Great bar w local crowd and reasonable prices. Definitely stop by here if u want some Palermo night life. (Even during weekdays)."

People are talking about these places in Palermo:

  • 8.7

    AL GELATONE Ice Cream

    Ice Cream Parlor Via Giuseppe Puglisi Bertolino, 23 Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Alessandra N.
      Alessandra Nicotra: "Gelati buonissimi, cremosi e gustosi, con tanta scelta e personale preparato, il migliore!"
    • Paola L.
      Paola Lo Cascio: "Buonissimi i gusti alla frutta fresca di stagione, consiglio limone al basilico, banana, fichi, fragola con fragoline, e cocco!"
  • 8.6

    Spiaggia di Mondello

    Beach Viale Regina Elena 89 Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (81 tips):

    • Bogdan D.
      Bogdan D.: "Visited in late Sptember; large fine sandy beach, flanked by the mountains; both public and private; clear emerald waters; few people; public parking; almost breathtaking view."
    • Teresa S.
      Teresa Schilder: "A beautiful bay, but super crowded in summer time. Come here early morning or around 17:00 for a more relaxed and quiet atmosphere. Decent snorkeling at the eastern end of the bay!"
  • 9.1

    Cappella Palatina

    Church Palazzo dei Normanni Palermo, Sicilia

    People also say (29 tips):

    • Alek
      Alek: "A true jewel of eclectic architectural and artistic styles. Admission may be free if you're a student in the E.U."
    • Fluying ✅.
      Fluying ✅: "Expect crowds as it is usually visited by cruise ship excursions. This jewel includes amazing Norman Byzantine mosaics. if you go Monreale is skippable."

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