Here are some popular tips in Moema. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Moema to go with friends:

  • 9.2

    Banqueta Coquetelaria

    Cocktail Bar Av. Cotovia, 619 São Paulo, SP

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Felipe C.
      Felipe Castellari: "Drinks criativos, sabores incríveis, ambiente agradável, preço justo. Recomendo para casais e amigos."
  • 9.2

    Casa Murdock Barbearia e Tabacaria

    Hobby Store Al. dos Jurupis, 413 São Paulo, SP

    People also say (4 tips):

    • Cristina C.
      Cristina Carvalho: "Espaço incrível para degustar excelentes coqueteis e charutos de primeira qualidade. Música ambiente perfeita. Muita sofisticação e decoração de excelente qualidade."
  • 9.4


    Ice Cream Parlor R. Lourenço de Almeida, 819 São Paulo, SP

    People also say (75 tips):

    • blanx
      blanx: "fantastic concept!! i loved the shop!! and the products!! :) would be great to have lactose free options also!! ;) overall... great place!!"
  • 9.6

    Ibirapuera Park

    Park Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/n São Paulo, SP

    People also say (2435 tips):

    • Andra Z.
      Andra Zapartan: "Active people all over the place - biking, running, rollerblading, playing football. 👍🏼 great spots for picnics, nice lake views, beautiful swans and some pretty interesting museums. Enjoy! ☀️"
  • 9.0


    Dessert Shop Av. Ibirapuera, 2033 São Paulo, SP

    People also say (335 tips):

    • Guto C.
      Guto Castro: "Nice Cafe. A bit too noisy and crowded even during late hours. Try the Coxinha com Creme and their special Cappuccino (that is not a Cappuccino but more a Mocha)."
  • 9.4

    Auditório Ibirapuera Oscar Niemeyer

    Concert Hall Pq. Ibirapuera São Paulo, SP

    People also say (163 tips):

    • Michael A.
      Michael Arkins: "An architectural marvel and a diamond in the crown that is São Paulo. Check out a free show and take it all in. Surrounding park is gorgeous also."

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