Here are some popular tips in Leopoldstadt. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Leopoldstadt to go with friends:

  • 8.9

    Mochi Ramen Bar

    Ramen Restaurant Vorgartenmarkt, Stand 12 + 29 Wien, Wien

    People also say (32 tips):

    • Jenni K.
      Jenni Kókai: "Best gyoza in town, also the Spicey Chicken Ramen is incredibly good! Sadly they changed the mushroom ramen a few months ago, I miss the old one very much."
  • 8.7


    Cocktail Bar Taborstrasse 33 Wien, Wien

    People also say (31 tips):

    • Nardo
      Nardo: "One of the best cocktail bars in Vienna! If you cannot wait for your high quality drink, leave! And make room for us at the bar so we can chat with the great team and watch them do their magic."
  • 9.2


    Park Obere Augartenstr. Wien, Wien

    People also say (46 tips):

    • FRITZ f.
      FRITZ fritztheyodeler: "I used to play soccer here as a child. The Vienna Boys Choir live here and the best goulasch soup in all of Vienna can be had at "Zur Reblaus" right across the street."
  • 8.7


    Pop-Up Store Praterstr. 70 Wien, Wien

    People also say (18 tips):

    • Journey City Guides
      Journey City Guides: "An exciting cafe and concept store housed in a neo-gothic building offering a selection of truly unique products and services"
  • 8.8


    Ice Cream Parlor Taborstraße 15 Wien, Wien

    People also say (5 tips):

    • Mia A.
      Mia A: "Simply amazing ice cream. The basilikum flavor was the best ice cream I've tasted in my life 😯 lots of other interesting flavors, too, as well as the classics."
  • 8.9

    Wiener Rösthaus im Prater

    Café Prater 80 Wien, Wien

    People also say (31 tips):

    • Fred
      Fred: "Excellent black coffee and selection of amarettos to go with it"

People are talking about these places in Leopoldstadt:

  • 8.8


    Canal Franz-Josefs-Kai Wien, Wien

    People also say (34 tips):

    • SnowKai 8.
      SnowKai 8580: "Simply beautiful, this canal is animated during the summer time, many people spend time here enjoying a glass of wine or a beer. Good place to chill with friends."
    • Lubomir K.
      Lubomir K.: "Nice place to chill out - sit with friends, go for a walk, date or run."
  • 8.7

    Skopik & Lohn

    Austrian Restaurant Leopoldsg. 17 Wien, Wien

    People also say (45 tips):

    • Fresh
      Fresh: "Schnitzel is great. Not the usual one u‘d get anywhere. A huge portion as well. Outdoor seating is best to be enjoyed in summer"
    • Magdalena
      Magdalena: "It's all about the painted walls here. Overall, the ambiance is cozy but also formal. The service is professional and it hosts an interesting mix of patrons. Impressive & memorable."
  • People also say (156 tips):

    • Caio F.
      Caio Furukawa: "Ferris Wheel gives you an amazing overview of the city and the park. Horror rides, despite being recommended for 12+ year olds should be reconsidered as it might be too scary for some kids."
    • Jack S.
      Jack Smith: "A mishmash of themed rides with no consistency. Number of attractions appear closed at off-peak times. Repetitive use of dodgems, ghost trains and fun houses. Some good rollercoasters & water rides."

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