Here are some popular tips in Kronverkskoye. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Kronverkskoye to go with friends:

  • 8.9


    Coffee Shop Каменноостровский просп., 18/11 Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (118 tips):

    • Igor A.
      Igor Arkhipov: "One of the best local specialty coffee point, if you succeed finding your way into it. Private space is limited, but you get a kind and welcoming atmosphere in return, as well as handmade desserts"
  • 8.7

    Pan & Cake

    Breakfast Spot ул. Мира, 7 Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (87 tips):

    • Elena G.
      Elena Gorohova: "Beautiful space, widest range of breakfast options, heavenly delicious desserts!"
  • 9.3

    Peter and Paul Fortress

    Historic and Protected Site Заячий о. Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (426 tips):

    • Stefan L.
      Stefan Lazović: "Architecture, history, island, landscape, views, air, you can expirience everything on this microworld separated by wooden bridges from rest of the city. You won't miss this once you're in town."
  • 8.6

    Na Vina!

    Wine Bar Кронверкский просп., 65 Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (34 tips):

    • sasha s.
      sasha smoozy: "Так хорошо ♥️ So nice staff and the place of course. Not just like the other one bar with great wine not list but whole walls !!! Try sandwich with rye bread too 👅 You're so special, thnx for this"
  • 8.7

    Lenfilm Cinema

    Movie Theater Каменноостровский просп., 10 Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (24 tips):

    • Maria C.
      Maria Ch: "Отличнейший проект-кинотеатр на 3 этаже. Фильмы на языке оригинала. Буфет с напитками и пирожками придаёт особый колорит. Светло,просторно,уютно. Билеты,кстати,совсем недорогие !"
  • 8.6


    Cocktail Bar Большой просп. П. С., 45 Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (92 tips):

    • Liudmila A.
      Liudmila Alekseeva: "The bar menu is not huge but the taste of cocktails and the selection of vines are good! It's also cosy, with a nice Latino background music. Recommended)"

People are talking about these places in Kronverkskoye:

  • 8.6

    Naryshkin bastion

    Historic and Protected Site Петропавловская крепость Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Dave M.
      Dave Milne: "Battlements of the Peter & Paul Fortress that provide a good view of the Neva River & historic sites on the other side. Well worth paying for the walk along the top."
    • Павел Х.
      Павел Хусу: "Отличнейший вид на акваторию Невы, Стрелку, Дворцовую набережную и Троицкий мост."
  • 8.9

    Петровские ворота

    Historic and Protected Site Петропавловская крепость Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (5 tips):

    • Vadim J.
      Vadim Joydik: "Вход в крепость со стороны Троицкого моста. Увенчаны великолепным гербом. Прекрасны. Впечатление при проходе под ними - как при использовании машины времени. Нужно только ловить ощущения!"
    • Tony F.
      Tony FAS: "Исторический объект, с красивым гербом на лицевой стороне. Впечатляет!"
  • 8.9

    Austrian Square

    Plaza Каменноостровский просп. Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург

    People also say (35 tips):

    • Anton
      Anton: "A very nice square located in Petrogradskiy district. Ideal for mornings and evenings: romantic and beautiful scenery"
    • Lollipop
      Lollipop: "Home sweet home"

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