Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Ipanema to go with friends:

  • 9.1

    Delírio Tropical

    Salad Restaurant R. Garcia d'Avila, 48 Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (270 tips):

    • Can Ö.
      Can Özenc: "Healthy food. Lots of quinoa, fruits, vegetables, meat, sugar free drinks. Gluten-free options as well. Ideal for a quick lunch after beach. Not worth the 9.3 rating though, a normal salad bar."
  • 9.2


    Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant Av. Henrique Dumont, 110, Lj. B Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (38 tips):

    • Aja B.
      Aja Brandman: "The burger was absolutely delicious, made with mushrooms/rice topped off with onions, avocado and more. The brownie is a must for dessert. A little pricey but worth it for the ambiance/decor"
  • 9.6

    Pedra do Arpoador

    Scenic Lookout Pr. do Arpoador Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (364 tips):

    • Fred W.
      Fred Weissmann: "One of the best places to watch the sunset in Rio!!! Can get crowded during the summer"
  • 9.3


    Japanese Restaurant R. Aníbal de Mendonça, 132 Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (47 tips):

    • Francisca N.
      Francisca Nacht: "Great overall. Nice starters, the chef mixed sushi a bit over complicated but good for a change, and the brownie simply incredible. Great mood, new favorite Japanese."
  • 9.3

    Livraria da Travessa

    Bookstore R. Vde. de Pirajá, 572 Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (98 tips):

    • mark m.
      mark mcmahon: "a great place to greet and meet. the bazaar cafe on the second floor is fantastic."
  • 9.0


    Beach Bar Hotel Arpoador Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (6 tips):

People are talking about these places in Ipanema:

  • 9.1

    Posto 8

    Bathing Area Pr. de Ipanema Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (62 tips):

    • Derek W.
      Derek Wilson: "Seems like a nice safe part of the beach. Incredible sunsets. Buy a big beach sarong."
    • Sandro M.
      Sandro Marino: "Be sure to see the sunset, it's one that I never get sick of!"
  • 9.4

    Posto 9

    Bathing Area Pr. de Ipanema Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (200 tips):

    • Sam M.
      Sam Marques: "Eye eye view. Posto 9 is the place where You can drink caipirinha without problems. Nice people, hot bodies and Good memories! This city is my backyard! I'm mineiro but my heart is totally carioca! :*"
    • Deb G.
      Deb Gee: "Always stop by Barraca do Uruguay when I'm here. The best caipirinhas I've had in Rio. Not to mention an amazing beef and chimichurri sandwich!"
  • 9.4

    Orla de Ipanema

    Waterfront Av. Vieira Souto Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    People also say (29 tips):

    • Laura F.
      Laura Fazoli: "Tchibum!!!"
    • Priscila B.
      Priscila Batalha: "Praia dos cariocas.... definitivamente.... e vc ainda pode curtir logo ao lado um lindo por do sol na Pedra do Arpoador. Vale a pena!"

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