Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Glyfada to go with friends:

  • 9.0

    Nespresso Boutique

    Coffee Shop Γρηγορίου Λαμπράκη 18 Γλυφάδα, Αττική

    People also say (9 tips):

  • 8.8

    Πλατεία Εσπερίδων

    Plaza Πλατεία Εσπερίδων Γλυφάδα, Αττική

    People also say (12 tips):

    • John A.
      John Agapitos: "The heart of Glyfada. All the best cafés and restaurants are there. The place to go after a long day of shopping, but usually very busy."
  • 8.8

    Brasil Suites

    Hotel Ελευθερίας 4 Γλυφάδα, Αττική

    People also say (7 tips):

  • 9.2


    Bakery Γρηγοριου Λαμπρακη 54

    People also say (15 tips):

  • 9.1

    Solo Gelato

    Ice Cream Parlor Γιαννιτσοπούλου 3 Γλυφάδα, Αττική

    People also say (6 tips):

  • 9.4


    Gourmet Store Γρηγορίου Λαμπράκη 20 Γλυφάδα, Αττική

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Spiros T.
      Spiros Theocharis: "Nice place for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate . Don’t forget to try the chocolate bars. They have got a big variety"

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