Here are some popular tips in Ginza. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Ginza to go with friends:

  • 9.0


    Sake Bar 銀座2-3-4 東京, 東京都

    People also say (24 tips):

    • Johnnie Skywalking
      Johnnie Skywalking: "Cheap but good quality eat in Ginza. Hard to find. Go inside small lane next to Mergellina. Ask lunch set (teisyoku) with tofu and chicken soup (tori tofu). Comes with only specific tataki sashimi set"
  • 9.0

    PauPau Aqua Garden

    Pet Supplies Store 銀座7-17-14 東京, 東京都

    People also say (3 tips):

  • 9.1

    Ginza Kyubey

    Sushi Restaurant 銀座8-7-6 東京, 東京都

    People also say (91 tips):

    • Y.Arman B.
      Y.Arman Barlas: "Michelin star class. One of the best sushi in Ginza. Very high quality cuisine with a perfectly matched traditional ambiance. Reservation required well in advance. Sophisticated Japanese cuisine"
  • 9.1

    Qu'il fait bon

    Dessert Shop 銀座2-4-5 東京, 東京都

    People also say (60 tips):

    • Kit&kafoodle
      Kit&kafoodle: "Amazing tarts. Truly. It’s worth the price tag. Perfect balance, fresh fruit, smooth cream and custard. We were lucky enough to try the strawberry season tarts. Decadent."
  • 8.8

    Little Smith

    Cocktail Bar 銀座6-4-12 東京, 東京都

    People also say (3 tips):

    • Pamela H.
      Pamela Hackney: "Off the beaten path but comfortably crowded. Drinks are fantastic. No drink menu but instead options to choose off flavor profiles. Would absolutely recommend this place."
  • 9.0


    Japanese Restaurant 銀座7-17-8 東京, 東京都

    People also say (3 tips):

    • bissy b.
      bissy bissy: "落ち着いた雰囲気の個室がある「離れ」がお店の地下にできてました(´∀`)"

People are talking about these places in Ginza:

  • 9.1


    Clothing Store 銀座3-3-5 東京, 東京都

    People also say (18 tips):

    • Tristan H.
      Tristan Hufalar: "Massive, 6 floors including custom tea blending area, juice bar, and customization services."
    • Tracy L.
      Tracy Loh: "awesome muji flagship store, lots of things to see and buy here, anything and everything, it's a heaven for muji lover. it is also connected to the muji hotel."
  • 8.9


    Soba Restaurant 銀座6-3-14 東京, 東京都

    People also say (13 tips):

    • Маруська П.
      Маруська Прохорова: "Soba with duck is yummy"
    • Kosuke K.
      Kosuke Konomi: "銀座で蕎麦ならいつもここ。以前はすぐそばにオフィスがあったので毎日通ってました。特に好きなのがけんちんそば。寒い冬には最高ですね。"
  • 8.8

    Al dente

    Italian Restaurant 銀座5-1 東京, 東京都

    People also say (7 tips):

    • s∂k∂
      s∂k∂: "2021/03/19 20:00閉店前。厨房もホールもいつもと違う人。カルボナーラは卵がダマになってるし、ホールのメガネかけたバイトはやけくそ気味にガチャガチャ言わせて食器を片付ける。経営荒れてない?"
    • Sajiyama
      Sajiyama: "アリタリア ★★★★★"

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