Here are some popular tips in Genoa. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Genoa to go with friends:

  • 8.8

    Les Rouges

    Cocktail Bar Piazza Campetto 8 Genova, Liguria

    People also say (16 tips):

    • Ann I.
      Ann Ivashchuk: "Great interior and tasty cocktails! They can cook any cocktail you likeBased on any alcohol you prefer. Excellent service."
  • 9.0

    Antico Borgo

    Pizzeria Via Boccadasse Genova, Liguria

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Piotr S.
      Piotr S.: "Amazing pizza place. Serves only pizza, on Sunday full of locals. Defenitely worth to visit. A bit pricy (we've paid 30EUR for 3 pizzas)."
  • 9.4

    Scurreria Beer and Bagel

    Pub via di Scurreria 22r Genova, Liguria

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Laurens v.
      Laurens van de Wiel: "Features the top of European craft beers; e.g. Italy (brewfist), Belgium (Struise, Westvleteren, Cantillon) and the Netherlands (Tommy Sjef). Highly recommended for craft beer enthusiasts!"
  • 9.1

    Don Paolo

    Café Spianata Castelletto 57/R Genova, Liguria

    People also say (37 tips):

    • Social a.
      Social ar33studio: "It's in a few steps from a breathtaking view. Good prices, authentic waiters"
  • 9.4

    Tazze Pazze

    Coffee Shop Piazza Cinque Lampadi 69R Genova, Liguria

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Suna E.
      Suna Eralp: "There are 9 tables to sit and eat outside with umbrellas. You can not find such a place nearby"
  • 9.2

    Piazza de Ferrari

    Plaza Piazza de Ferrari Genova, Liguria

    People also say (70 tips):

    • Shaileshwori S.
      Shaileshwori Sharma: "One of the many attractions in this lovely city of Genoa, it's a great place to simply hang out in the sun. Tip: one of the busiest squares from where you can catch buses to various parts of city."

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