Here are some popular tips in El Raval. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in El Raval to go with friends:

  • 9.3

    Bodega Armando

    Wine Bar C. Bisbe Laguarda, 3 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (32 tips):

    • Ed W.
      Ed Woodcock: "Really friendly barman. Perfect place to be among locals and not tourists. Extremely good value."
  • 9.3

    La Central del Raval

    Bookstore C. d'Elisabets, 6 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (30 tips):

    • Stephraaa
      Stephraaa: "Always loved it, always will. Really good selection of everything!"
  • 9.3

    Pizza Circus

    Pizzeria C. Nou de la Rambla, 40 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (79 tips):

    • Hugo k.
      Hugo katsumi: "The pizza are amazing! So tasty, a really must go to if you like pizzas! Owned by Italian, it's cliché but they know how to make good pizza !"
  • 9.1

    Two Schmucks

    Cocktail Bar Joaquin Costa 52 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (16 tips):

    • Denis M.
      Denis Moskalets: "Very good coctail bar, high quality mixology. They do guest bar takeover events with the best European bartenders from world top-50 best bar list"
  • 9.2


    Tapas Restaurant C. Unió, 17 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (327 tips):

    • Eigil M.
      Eigil Moe: "Very nice authentic tapas bar. If you are situated at La Rambla. Go here and leave the other places that serves bad pizza, pasta, paella. This place has good food for sure"
  • 8.9

    Dalston Coffee

    Coffee Shop C. de les Ramelleres, 16 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (56 tips):

    • Genesis G.
      Genesis Garcia: "Follow me best reviews on Instagram @comfortcomida . Now this was a good cappuccino and the barista was so nice. Totally recommend!"

People are talking about these places in El Raval:

  • 9.0

    Laie CCCB

    Bookstore C. de Montalegre, 5 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Claudia E.
      Claudia Euruni: "Bookshop tied to the CCCB cultural centre, food for thought and then some. Very trendy and in the heart of the city historical centre."
    • Damià G.
      Damià Gallardo: "A great selection of books on design, art, music, Barcelona, etc. and also with a wide range of gifts"
  • 9.1

    Mercat de Sant Josep - La Boqueria

    Market La Rambla, 91 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (1089 tips):

    • Rrawat F.
      Rrawat Felkner: "It's right off the Rambalas so visiting it is very convenient. Lot of vendors - fruits, vegetables, fast food, seafood, candies, chocolates, marzipan, jamon, spices etc. Try fresh juice for 2 euro."
    • Sasha V.
      Sasha Valle: "Freshest oysters in the city are right here. Flown in from the South of France every morning. €2 a pop, shucked right at the stall, served with lemon. You'll be instantly transported to seafood heaven"
  • 8.9

    Forn Mistral

    Bakery Ronda de Sant Antoni 96 Barcelona, Catalunya

    People also say (35 tips):

    • Miloš
      Miloš: "Try the Ensaimadas, a Mallorca classic"
    • Jason
      Jason: "I really enjoyed the chocolate croissant. Croissant was very fluffy and the chocolate was tasty!"

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