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People are talking about these places in Dresden:

  • 9.2

    Brühlsche Terrasse

    Historic and Protected Site Terrassenufer Dresden, Sachsen

    People also say (32 tips):

    • William S.
      William Studart: "Very scenic place to sit and contemplate the beautiful view."
    • muttibey
      muttibey: "This is also@one of the best things and sights in the city. Make sure that you spend some quality time here."
  • 9.1


    Plaza Schloßplatz Dresden, Sachsen

    People also say (9 tips):

    • Michael S.
      Michael Sutton: "Walk around of night this place is so amazing and has so much history and amazing photo opportunities."
    • Stefan S.
      Stefan Schubert: "The Schloßplatz (English: Palace Square or Castle Square) is rebuilt in baroque architecture after destroyed in Bombing of Dresden in World War II."
  • 9.0


    Field Dresden, Sachsen

    People also say (4 tips):

    • Elona S.
      Elona Shatri: "great view from this place. The river and the old town captured beautifully."
    • Madeleine F.
      Madeleine Friebel: "Offizielle Hundespielwiese entlang der Elbufer (links- und rechtselbisch). Also Leinen los!"

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