Rodney Carter: "The best beer you are going to find ANYWHERE. Food is amazing. Fries are a must have & oysters are off the hook. Favourite place in Hali"
Arlene Martin: "Seafood is outstanding! Love the location near the harbor. There's not much parking to take a taxi if possible. I had the blackberry ice cream dessert which was fabulous!"
Halifax Public Libraries: "Welcome to the Titanic tour! Take a moment to imagine the waterfront in Apr 1912 & all the activity as the ships Montmagny, Mackay-Bennett & Minia took part in recovery efforts."
Monica Ma: "Bagels are delicious, tasted and looked like they were made from scratch. Coffee was so good, (even after I accidentally over sweetened it) I could still taste the aromas"
Kelly Mitchell: "Do the tour as it's very investing and informative. take kids to the Tailer Shop to try on clothes and the School Room to try fountain pens and slates."
Basim Felemban: "I did not imagine that this historic place would be a great place to visit ... Full of stories and old stuff that makes you wonder of the old Canadian history"