Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Downey to go with friends:

People are talking about these places in Downey:

  • 8.8

    The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

    Coffee Shop 8550 Firestone Blvd Downey, CA

    People also say (13 tips):

    • Samantha M.
      Samantha Machurski: "Their tea lattes are great! I love their Vanilla Tea Ceylon iced or hot is by far my favorite! Its like a sweet milk with a hint of a chi taste! Very suttle, very objections from my friends."
    • Brayan H.
      Brayan Hamud: "Better than Starbucks, Strawberry cream latte is so good 😊 😋😋"
  • 9.1

    In-N-Out Burger

    Fast Food Restaurant 8767 Firestone Blvd Downey, CA

    People also say (33 tips):

    • Tom G.
      Tom Guzman: "The Double Double is fantastic! I always get a great meal at In-N-Out Burger!"
    • Rayshawn W.
      Rayshawn Williams: "It's In-N-Out, need I say more lol. I love a Double Double with whole grilled onions and animal style fries on the side."
  • 9.1


    Movie Theater 8840 Apollo Way Downey, CA

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Raven_Del F.
      Raven_Del F: "Clean, the electrical reclining chairs are roomy. They have lots of snack options than the usual popcorn and soda. Starbucks and ice cream."
    • Edgar R.
      Edgar Rivera: "Love this place, always clean and customer service is pretty good. Go to theater when I need a good movie."

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