Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Casco Antiguo to go with friends:

  • 8.8


    Spanish Restaurant Agustín Palomeque, 11 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (33 tips):

    • Edward Chi-Hyun P.
      Edward Chi-Hyun Park: "great wine selections. you can enjoy from the locals to pan-spanish wines here. service is mediocre but there is one nice lady among four of them. try to sit near the bar;)"
  • 8.8

    Distrito México

    Mexican Restaurant Calle de José Pellicer Ossau, 1 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (11 tips):

    • Markus D.
      Markus Düttmann: "Awesome food, sympathetic staff. Don't leave without trying the Margarita."
  • 8.7


    Pizzeria Coso, 33 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (33 tips):

    • Hakan N.
      Hakan Nigar: "It's an amazing place to have really tasty and cheap Pizzas 😎 also crepes !!! It's much better to have your pizza outside 😉"
  • 8.8

    Plaza del Pilar

    Plaza Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (93 tips):

    • Finn B.
      Finn B: "Massive plaza. Actually the biggest in western Europe. See if you can guess what the fountain is symbolizing. Hint: It's a map of a continent."
  • 8.3

    Cafés El Criollo

    Coffee Shop Polígono Industrial San Valero, 83 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (21 tips):

  • 8.3


    Gourmet Store Torre Nueva, 29 Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Edward Chi-Hyun P.
      Edward Chi-Hyun Park: "great wine selection, food is authentic, deli section is impressive, but most of all the service is spectacular. it's not easy to find venues friendly to foreign visitors in Zaragoza"

People are talking about these places in Casco Antiguo:

  • 8.5

    Plaza de los Sitios

    Plaza Plaza de los Sitios Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Juan M.
      Juan Martínez: "Canino power"
    • Gozarte Z.
      Gozarte Zaragoza: "Lo que fuera la sede de la exposicion hispanofrancesa de 1908 es hoy una plaza muy familiar en un ambiente tranquilo y punto de encuentro de la gastronomia en las fiestas del Pilar y Navidad. En la pl"
  • 9.2

    Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar

    Church Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Pilar Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (84 tips):

    • Evan W.
      Evan Weinman: "A beautiful and large cathedral with a humongous stones carved statue. Worth going just to see the architecture m"
    • Leo D.
      Leo DW8R: "Very impressive church. If you want to take a picture inside, watch out for the guards ..."
  • 8.5

    Roman Walls

    Historic and Protected Site Av. de César Augusto Zaragoza, Aragón

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Daniel D.
      Daniel Delgado: "Just Beautiful!"
    • Zaragoza Turismo
      Zaragoza Turismo: "Si quieres disfrutar de una visita a las murallas y al resto del legado romano, te proponemos la visita guiada "Paseo Romano". Más info en nuestras Oficinas de Turismo ;)"

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