Lorna Chan Yi Jiun: "Ya the entrance is difficult to find. It's right beside the right Archives Fine Books. Best coffee that we tried so far in Queensland. Good ambiance, friendly staff. Perfect"
Eugene Turner: "Winner of the Aus Gourmet Traveller 2016 Bar of the Year: "This handsome city-centre bar in the historic 19th-century bank feels like it has graced Queen St forever. A bar to lift your spirits.""
Cam_in_Bris: "The fried chicken is delicious. We had the full serving of the lemon fried chicken between three and it was filling. No frills place. Huge, and buzzy."
Lucila de Francischi: "Love this place, the flower garden is splendid!! The Fern Guly is a nice walk on a hot day!!"
Rob Nicholson: "Love this place. The Spectacle Garden changes frequently so it doesn't matter what time of year you visit. Also a good place for a picnic."