Here are some popular tips in Breckenridge. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Breckenridge to go with friends:

  • 8.7

    Breckenridge Taphouse

    Restaurant 105 N Main St, Suite A Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (7 tips):

    • Maximum B.
      Maximum Burger: "Bit spend my but not for Main St Breckenridge I guess. Very friendly and server threw in free chips. Great battered shrimp tacos and chorizo queso chips"
  • 9.0

    Blue Stag Saloon

    Bar 323 S Main St Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (12 tips):

    • Jeiran H.
      Jeiran Hasan: "Tried the Rocky Mountain oysters and thought they were tasty. Happy hour from 3-6 has great deals."
  • 8.8

    La Francaise

    French Restaurant 411 S Main St Lower Level Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (25 tips):

    • Nancy C.
      Nancy Chorpenning: "Don't leave without an authentic French pastry. They won't be as sweet as those you're used to, but yum! And the staff is extra delightful and helpful."
  • 9.1

    Hearthstone Restaurant

    American Restaurant 130 S Ridge St Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (51 tips):

    • Don R.
      Don Reynolds: "4-6 happy hour. The upstairs bar is Victorian with turn of the century drapes, fireplace, great views of the mountains and really good happy hour food. Nice upscale place to take a date or just relax."
  • 9.0

    Après Handcrafted Libations

    Beer Garden 130 S Main St Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (21 tips):

    • DoubleDeuce
      DoubleDeuce: "Hip mountain-town vibe. Lots of early afternoon sun for this indoor beer garden. Plenty of craft options, not just from the Midwest and California but also Europe. Great place for a stop."
  • 8.7

    Spruce Creek Trailhead

    Hiking Trail Spruce Creek Road Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (2 tips):

People are talking about these places in Breckenridge:

  • 8.8

    Breckenridge Oktoberfest

    Festival Main Street Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (7 tips):

    • kieran c.
      kieran cain: "Breck Oktoberfest coincides with Closing Weekend of the Breck Summer Fun Park on the mountain. Take your stein for a free ride up the gondola."
    • Claudia S.
      Claudia S: "Be prepared for any kind of weather and check out the Euro Deli tent for the BEST food!"
  • 9.1

    Peak 10 Breckenridge

    Ski Resort and Area Breckenridge Ski Resort Breckenridge, CO

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Kate A.
      Kate Ann: "Peak 10 is probably my favorite peak at Breckenridge. usually it's a lot less crowded, and the runs are awesome"
    • Dan M.
      Dan McMillan: "Great black and double black runs. No easy way down so be sure you're up for it!"
  • People also say (5 tips):

    • Jeiran H.
      Jeiran Hasan: "Great, detailed, informative museum. Lots of interesting pictures and artifacts from mining"
    • GoBreck
      GoBreck: "Public restrooms (very clean!) are downstairs. And the free public wi-fi reaches into the Blue River Plaza, so you can sit outdoors and browse."

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