Here are some popular tips in Basmanny. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Basmanny to go with friends:

  • 9.1

    Кальянная Барвиха Lounge Бауманская

    Hookah Bar Нижняя Красносельская 35 стр. 59 Москва, Москва

    People also say (354 tips):

  • 8.7


    Dessert Shop наб. Академика Туполева, 15, корп. 26 Москва, Москва

    People also say (31 tips):

    • Den S.
      Den Shanygin: "Very cozy place with brilliant special pastries and drinks. If you’re hungry, they also have daily menu with regular food. Don’t forget to check the second floor.)"
  • 8.7

    Dymovoj LOFT

    Hookah Bar ул. Маросейка, 4/2 Москва, Москва

    People also say (215 tips):

  • 9.0

    Time Club «Убежище»

    Gaming Cafe Архангельский пер., 7, стр. 1 Москва, Москва

    People also say (70 tips):

    • Maria V.
      Maria Vasilenko: "Очень понравилась девушка работающая там!!! Все показала объяснила) прям захотелось ее обнять - очень приятная! Побольше таких людей! А место вполне себе для трезвых компаний в 6 утра👌"
  • 9.0

    Bauman Garden

    Garden Старая Басманная ул., 15 Москва, Москва

    People also say (291 tips):

    • Sofia U.
      Sofia Uz: "Beautiful little park, enjoy coffee of falafel from the food vendors"
  • 8.7

    Mission • Ethical Space

    Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant Спартаковская ул., 3, стр. 3 Москва, Москва

    People also say (16 tips):

    • Grisha B.
      Grisha Buben: "Excellent craft beer selection and vegan food."

People are talking about these places in Basmanny:

  • 8.8


    Art Gallery Нижняя Сыромятническая ул., 10 Москва, Москва

    People also say (303 tips):

    • Like A Local Guide
      Like A Local Guide: "The Artplay block is home to a diverse range of places, the core being design studios, interiors showrooms and exhibition spaces. Visit the neighbourhood for unique souvenirs!"
    • Lina L.
      Lina Larionova: "Contemporary art attracted crowds of hipsters here. If you are not allergic to them - nice place to visit. Many exhibitions to choose from and a rink on a roof in winter, i mean the cold one."
  • 9.0

    VladBlad Irons

    Miscellaneous Store Хохловский пер., 7 Москва, Москва

    People also say (5 tips):

    • Alisa
      Alisa: ":) worship Vlad Blad"
    • Anya V.
      Anya Volfson: "Игрушечный рай для тату-мастеров! Приходите к нам на чай и за профессиональным оборудованием!"
  • 8.8

    Клуб Алексея Козлова

    Music Venue Улица Маросейка, 9/2 Москва, Москва

    People also say (31 tips):

    • Milena M.
      Milena Mlush Mlo: "Just found out this place by walking in ♥️ in love with the atmosphere and staff 👍🏻 and of course the music. Amazing 😉 highly recommended ✅"
    • Ekaterina K.
      Ekaterina Kochurova: "Best jazz place ever!"

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