Pato Thai Cuisine is one of Favs.

1. Pato Thai Cuisine

20 E Route 66 (btw E. Aspen Ave & E. Birch Ave), Flagstaff, AZ
Thai Restaurant · Downtown Flagstaff · 49 tips and reviews

Paula M.Paula Monthofer: Best Thai in Flagstaff. If I don't order the yellow curry with chicken... I have lunch remorse. Great lunch specials

Criollo Latin Kitchen is one of Favs.

2. Criollo Latin Kitchen

16 N San Francisco St (Btw E Santa Fe Ave. & E Aspen Ave.), Flagstaff, AZ
Latin American Restaurant · Downtown Flagstaff · 96 tips and reviews

Amy S.Amy Smith: Happy Hour Fish Tacos are incredible...order them grilled or fried!

3. MartAnne's Burrito Palace

112 E Route 66 (btw Route 66 & Aspen), Flagstaff, AZ
Breakfast Spot · Downtown Flagstaff · 19 tips and reviews

Kim Y.Kim Yuhl: It is the House that Chilaquiles built for a reason. Order them!

Flagstaff Brewing Company is one of Favs.

4. Flagstaff Brewing Company

16 E Route 66 (at N San Francisco St), Flagstaff, AZ
Brewery · Downtown Flagstaff · 29 tips and reviews

Mike M.Mike Masson: Great place with quite a good selection of beer (love the Porter) and live music outside. Cool vibe kind of place tonight.

Greek Islands is one of Favs.

5. Greek Islands

109 E Phoenix Ave, Flagstaff, AZ
Greek Restaurant · 10 tips and reviews

lisa L.lisa Loeffler: Great Greek...one of owners is from Crete. Go with gyros deluxe!