AKC Metelkova mesto is one of Ljubljana.

1. AKC Metelkova mesto

Masarykova c. 24, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Public Art · 38 tips and reviews
Bolšji sejem is one of Ljubljana.

2. Bolšji sejem

Breg, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Flea Market · 1 tip
Bobenček is one of Ljubljana.

3. Bobenček

Trubarjeva 17, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews
Loving Hut Express is one of Ljubljana.

4. Loving Hut Express

Koprska Cesta 72, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews
Radha Govinda is one of Ljubljana.

5. Radha Govinda

Žibertova ulica 23, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews
Loving Hut is one of Ljubljana.

6. Loving Hut

Trg osvobodilne fronte 14, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews
Ajdovo zrno is one of Ljubljana.

7. Ajdovo zrno

Trubarjeva cesta 7, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews
OrganicoCafé is one of Ljubljana.

8. OrganicoCafé

Linhartova cesta 7, Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Café · 5 tips and reviews