Hide-Chan Ramen is one of FREE FOOD.

1. Hide-Chan Ramen

248 E 52nd St (btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave), New York, NY
Ramen Restaurant · Turtle Bay · 317 tips and reviews

Cheema's NYCCheema's NYC: FREE - at LUNCH TIIIIIIIMMMMME, get a ramen bowl and receive a FREE additional topping and discounted apps, NOM NOM!

Pie Face is one of FREE FOOD.

2. Pie Face

169 W 23rd St (7th Ave), New York, NY
Pie Shop · Chelsea · 15 tips and reviews

Cheema's NYCCheema's NYC: FREE - Every first Tuesday of the month if you tweet about @PieFaceUSA you get a FREE mini pie! tweet, facebook, instagram, foursqaure, yousquare, instaface, bookgram, whatever!