Place Masséna is one of Nice.

1. Place Masséna

Place Masséna, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Plaza · Medecin · 109 tips and reviews

RivieraBarCrawlRivieraBarCrawl: Visit Nice old town for Free !!! The exclusive ‘walking tour’ around Nice old town is one of the city’s main attraction and a must see for any visitors. Read more.

2. Promenade du Paillon

Boulevard Jean Jaurès (Avenue Félix Faure), Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Park · Medecin · 51 tips and reviews

Data K.Data K.: Best place for children in summer to play in the fountain.

Fountain of the Sun is one of Nice.

3. Fountain of the Sun

(Fontaine du Soleil)
place Masséna, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Fountain · Medecin · 13 tips and reviews

ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ℳ𝒶𝓎♍: After long years of exile, the statue of Apollo found his original throne on the fountain on Place Masséna

4. Jardin Albert 1er

Avenue de Verdun (Avenue des Phocéens), Nice, PACA
Park · Medecin · 12 tips and reviews

david h.david heng: #lavilledenice #lacouleeverte est fréquentée quand il fait beau par les enfants. Sinon une ballade à la coulée verte permet de se détendre un peu avec ses #plantation et verdure. Très #touristique

5. Théâtre de Verdure

Jardin Albert 1er, Promenade des Anglais, Nice
Concert Hall · Medecin · 14 tips and reviews

New York HabitatNew York Habitat: This open-air concert hall in the very center of Nice, just by the beach, always has a really cool line-up! Take your tickets and enjoy music and the warm weather of the south at the same time!

Terrasse de l'Hôtel Plaza is one of Nice.

6. Terrasse de l'Hôtel Plaza

14 avenue de Verdun, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Roof Deck · Medecin · 17 tips and reviews

Alex Q.Alex Q.: Une vue exceptionnelle. Un cadre très cosy et qui sonne luxe. Comptez tout de même mettre votre main à la poche mais le cadre en vaut largement le détour.

7. Rooftop Hotel Aston

Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Roof Deck · Jean Médecin · 3 tips and reviews

Andrew O BC 翁.Andrew O BC 翁: Delighted looks of the city at sunrise covered by multiple colours

8. Promenade des Anglais

Promenade des Anglais, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Waterfront · Medecin · 116 tips and reviews

Laurens A.Laurens ADAM: Nice place on the sunset ; rent a bike or go to the beach. It will let you an unforgettable "french souvenir"

Place Wilson is one of Nice.

9. Place Wilson

Rue de l'Hôtel des Postes (Rue Foncet), Nice, PACA
Park · No tips or reviews

10. Nice Beach

(Plage de Nice)
Quai des États-Unis (Promenade des Anglais), Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · 97 tips and reviews

Jeff D.Jeff Donaldson: Great place to relax and people watch - bring a comfortable blanket to sit on... beach is rocks not sand

11. Place Grimaldi

Place Grimaldi, Nice, PACA
Pedestrian Plaza · Medecin · 3 tips and reviews

Mr. Paul NemoMr. Paul Nemo: Love this cute place

Cours Saleya is one of Nice.

12. Cours Saleya

Cours Saleya, Nice, PACA
Pedestrian Plaza · 60 tips and reviews

13. Place du Palais de Justice

Place du Palais de Justice, Nice, PACA
Pedestrian Plaza · 10 tips and reviews

Francis E.Francis Eglin: Proche du vieux Nice, j'adore cet endroit. Terrasses de café agréables et un parking souterrain situé juste à côté. Je ne manque jamais d'y faire une pose !

14. Shapko

5, rue Rossetti (rue Benoît Bunico), Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Jazz and Blues Venue · 10 tips and reviews

Theodore K.Theodore Kielich Kakoliris: Wonderful Jazz bar in the heart of the old town. Great New Orleans atmosphere!

15. Beau Rivage Plage

Promenade des Anglais, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Beach · 32 tips and reviews

RiviRivi: Take special shoes for water. The rocks are to big to be comfortable at the beach

16. Palais Lascaris

15 Rue Droite, Nice, PACA
Museum · 7 tips and reviews Go to this baroque aristocratic residence which is identified with the La Lascaris-Vintimille family to see beautiful detailed ornaments, panels, and impressive decorations.

Forum Jacques Médecin is one of Nice.

17. Forum Jacques Médecin

Avenue Félix Faure (Boulevard Jean Jaurès), Nice, PACA
Park · Jean Médecin · 4 tips and reviews

FR2DAYFR2DAY: A tranquil oasis in the middle of the city centre. Enjoy a leisurely stroll around the fountains or just sit down, relax and take it all in.

18. Apollo

Place Masséna, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Outdoor Sculpture · Medecin · 4 tips and reviews

Matthew P.Matthew Perosi: This statue of God Apollo was returned to this fountain after being away for more than 30 years. It returned on June 20, 2011. It's a great spot for a photo.

19. Carrousel 1900

Jardin Albert 1er, Nice, PACA
Amusement Park · Medecin · 3 tips and reviews

Thomas T.Thomas Thommy: My son loved it and daddy also - a real picturesque attraction

Velavevodetto ai Quiriti is one of Nice.

20. Velavevodetto ai Quiriti

Piazza dei Quiriti 4, Roma, Lazio
Italian Restaurant · Prati · 17 tips and reviews