I'm the Osiris of this here, B. If you're here for Happy Hours, take a tour. The newly mintedbrewery expansion is very interesting, the fermenters are so shiny!
Happy Hour on Friday is the greatest thing ever-6-11. Just dont wear flippy floppys b/c they will cling 2 the floor w/ every intoxicated step u take. Beer tokens are like dabloons but they get u beers
Nasty breaks from drunken debauchery aside, a couple beers a day could actually strengthen your bones, according to a Tufts University study. Stick to one or two brews and prevent a fracture. Read more
The equipment that you see pushed up against the wall in the tap room is actually the bottling equipment used for their specialty bottle-conditioned beers, like Local 1 & 2 and Sorachi Ace.
2nd day in a row we are here with more fermentation tanks ... 3 yesterday , 3 today and 2 tomorrow !!!! The brooklyn brewery is growing and we are proud to be a small part of that
The 1st NYC company to use 100% wind-generated electricity; Brooklyn Brewery warehouse has solar panels that provide 1/3 of total power needs and recycles all of its bottles & spent grain
Try the Brooklyner Weisse at a Breweryhappy hour- unfiltered beer gives you less of a hangover! Or if you're not a wheat beer fan, I am sure they will have something else to quench your thirst... Read more
The line for the bar gets really long right before a tour begins after a tour lets out. Get your brews in the downtimes in between to avoid waiting in line forever. Read more