B rayn: 鸭肉粿条汤: 6:30am to 12:00am 鸭粥、鸭饭、粿汁 :11:30am to 3:00pm 【日休】样样都好吃!!鸭肉粿条汤一碗,鸭肉鸭肠一盘,鸡脚一盘。粿汁一碗,卤味:大肠,小肠,猪耳,血,豆干。《摘自百度》【鸭肠】富含蛋白质、B族维生素、维生素C、维生素A和钙、铁等微量元素。对人体新陈代谢,神经、心脏、消化和视觉的维护都有良好的作用。功效便血、遗尿、白浊、肾虚。
Lau: I just love the duck meat Koay teow noodles soup over here!! Rmb to add duck blood and also for the bean sprout side dish with fried pork lard! Sweet broth. Cheap price. Quick meal. Thick coffee here
K.T. Wong: Coffee is good. People are friendly. Portion and price are reasonable. Besides the Koay Teow T'ng, do try the old hen meat with bean sprouts.