A B'More Kind of X-Mas
Inner Harbor is one of A B'More Kind of X-Mas.

1. Inner Harbor

Baltimore, MD
Harbor or Marina · 138 tips and reviews

Bew R.Bew Radley: Check out Santa's House and Power Plant Light Show!http://www.baltimore.org/holiday#lightshow http://www.baltimore.org/holiday

Baltimore Museum of Art is one of A B'More Kind of X-Mas.

2. Baltimore Museum of Art

10 Art Museum Dr (at Wyman Pk Dr), Baltimore, MD
Art Museum · Johns-Hopkins - Homewood · 66 tips and reviews

Bew R.Bew Radley: This will be the site of this years Kwanzaa Family Day Celebrationhttp://bit.ly/w3q532

Washington Monument is one of A B'More Kind of X-Mas.

3. Washington Monument

699 Washington Pl (at Mt Vernon Pl), Baltimore, MD
Historic and Protected Site · Mount Vernon · 44 tips and reviews

Bew R.Bew Radley: Check out the lighted Monument at night. Take a few friends, a camera and some hot apple cider.

Miracle On 34th Street is one of A B'More Kind of X-Mas.

4. Miracle On 34th Street

34th St (at Chestnut St), Baltimore, MD
Arts and Entertainment · Wyman Park · 5 tips and reviews

Bew R.Bew Radley: What's a Baltimore Holiday season without seeing the lights on 34th Street? http://bit.ly/tWeT4q