100 S Old Litchfield Road (at Wigwam Blvd), Litchfield Park, AZ
Recreation Center · 3 tips and reviews
ASU's West campus: Enjoy the AZ sunshine and some culture at the Native American Fine Arts Festival Sat.&Sun, Jan.26 & 27. Admission fee $5 per person, children under 12 free. http://tinyurl.com/ahaozqa
College Academic Building · Copper Square · 36 tips and reviews
ASU's West campus: Regardless of your major, year in college or future goals, there are numerous benefits to attending the ASU Graduate Programs Informational Fair-Thurs., Feb 7th 11a-2p La Sala Rooms A & B.
Antique Store · Downtown Glendale · 2 tips and reviews
ASU's West campus: Enjoy beautiful spring days at an outdoor market in the heart of Glendale’s historic shopping district, featuring antiques, art, crafts & food. Sat. Mar 2nd 9a-4p
ASU's West campus: Glow, baby, glow! Glendale's Glitter and Glow festival kicks off Jan.12, 4-10pm. http://www.glendaleaz.com/events/GlitterandGlow.cfm