Welcome Back! Spring 2013
Arizona Museum of Natural History is one of Welcome Back! Spring 2013.

2. Arizona Museum of Natural History

53 N Macdonald (MacDonald and Pepper), Mesa, AZ
History Museum · Downtown Mesa · 34 tips and reviews

ASU's Polytechnic CampusASU's Polytechnic Campus: Calling all astronomy fanatics! The NASA exhibition: "Destination Station" about the International Space Station is being hosted at the Arizona Museum of Natural History through March 24th.

3. Academic Center Building - ASU Polytechnic

(Twining St. & E. Texas Ave.), Mesa, AZ
College Academic Building · 2 tips and reviews

ASU's Polytechnic CampusASU's Polytechnic Campus: ASU is committed to serving its LGBTQ community and on January 30th from 6-8pm, Career Services will broadcast a special workshop, "Out in the Workplace" about LGBTQ employment discrimination.

Mesa Arts Center is one of Welcome Back! Spring 2013.

4. Mesa Arts Center

1 E Main St (at Center St), Mesa, AZ
Performing Arts Venue · Downtown Mesa · 35 tips and reviews

ASU's Polytechnic CampusASU's Polytechnic Campus: Take a break from studying to satisfy your inner-Shakespearean with Mesa Arts Center's presentations of "Hamlet" and "The Tempest" throughout January. http://tinyurl.com/a49t63m

Mesa Convention Center is one of Welcome Back! Spring 2013.

5. Mesa Convention Center

263 N Center St (btw Main & University), Mesa, AZ
Convention Center · Downtown Mesa · 3 tips and reviews

ASU's Polytechnic CampusASU's Polytechnic Campus: Held every Friday, the Mesa Community Farmer's Market features fresh produce from local growers, plus a variety of handmade arts and crafts. http://tinyurl.com/apwozjj