ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Hear about Arizona's political landscape firsthand, as Mayor Phil Gordon chats with students in the First Amendment Forum, Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.
555 N Central Ave Ste 500 (Central Ave. & Fillmore St.), Phoenix, AZ
Office · Copper Square · 5 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: The Federal Communications Commission holds a landmark hearing Monday at the Cronkite School on the state of American journalism in the digital age. 9-11:30 a.m. Oct. 3 in AZ PBS Studio A.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Enjoy a Taste of Downtown! RSVP now for the Family Weekend foodie experience exploring downtown dining, Sept. 30, 5-8 p.m. To register:
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Learn what's needed to advance solar energy at the School of Public Affairs' Coor Forum: Financing Sustainability, Oct. 4, 4-5:15 p.m.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Don't miss First Friday festivities in the park Oct. 7, 7-10 p.m. Events include live music, performances, art and kids activities.
222 E Monroe St (btwn 2nd St. & 3rd St.), Phoenix, AZ
Theater · Copper Square · 25 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: The 2nd annual Festival of the Arts is this Saturday, Oct. 1, from 1 to 5 p.m. $5 at the door.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Art is alive in the Valley, and Kathleen Blake, education director for Phoenix Art Museum, will show you where to find it at 7 p.m. Nov. 15.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Downtown is alive with the sound of music. Andrew Kipe, general manager of the The Phoenix Symphony, provides an insider's view for ASU students at 7 p.m. Nov. 22.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Enjoy the world premiere of "Cinderella" performed with The Phoenix Symphony in honor of Barrett Night at the Ballet and Symphony on Friday, Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Symphony Hall.
College Academic Building · Copper Square · 7 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: PURL JAM: Urban Visual Research will showcase innovative urban research and merge intellectual perspectives on urbanism Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Intern in the country's 12th-largest broadcast market. 30 potential local employers will be at the broadcast internship interview day Oct. 11, 8:30 to 3 p.m. Email to apply.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Bump, set, spike! Just $25 lets your team dig into DPC fall 2011 volleyball league play, Oct. 31 through Dec. 6, at ASU Prep.
350 N 1st Ave (btwn W Fillmore St and W Van Buren St), Phoenix, AZ
Gym and Studio · Copper Square · 35 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Ten bucks a team gets you into the floor hockey tourney at the YMCA Oct. 9. More info available from YMCA DPC recreation office.
Tourist Information and Service · Copper Square · 2 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Take an extra-long lunch Friday, Oct. 14, to enjoy the Downtown Phoenix Street Party. Expect music, performances, food and other festivities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info:
College Academic Building · Copper Square · 8 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: As part of the School of Letters & Sciences Humanities Lectures, ASU prof Madelaine Adelman speaks on preventing bullying of LGBT individuals. 6:30 p.m., Oct. 13, Room 110. More info: 602-496-0638.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Don't forget to come out for First Fridays tonight, Oct. 7, from 7 to 10 p.m. in Civic Space Park. Tonight's event is in partnership with ASU's Sixth 411 Gallery exhibition.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Did you know? Space 55 hosts a late-night theater series in October. Every Saturday night at 10:30 p.m. Ask about the student discount.
402 E. Roosevelt St. (4th and Roosevelt streets), Phoenix, AZ
Arts and Entertainment · Downtown Phoenix · 1 tip
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Red Bull brings a "triple set" to Roosevelt Row for a skateboarding competition timed with the First Fridays art walk. Learn more:
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Don't miss the Devil's Showdown away-game-viewing experience. Watch ASU vs. OSU on the Cronkite School's big screen. Free food. Saturday, Oct. 15, at 7:15 p.m.
555 N Central Ave Ste 500 (Central Ave. & Fillmore St.), Phoenix, AZ
Office · Copper Square · 5 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: PBS celebrates Pearl Jam's 20th anniversary with a fundraiser screening of the documentary "Pearl Jam Twenty" by Cameron Crowe. Bring donations for the CASS Flannel Drive. Info:
College Academic Building · Copper Square · 10 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Should the government regulate food marketing to children? Get former Congressional Science Fellow Dale Kunkel's take Wed., Oct. 19, 3-4 p.m. in Building C, Room C340/350. Info:
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Art, bands, poetry, fashion, performance: enjoy it all at the annual (lower) Grand Avenue Festival Saturday, Oct. 22, 3-11 p.m.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Enjoy Bands on Grand here as part of the 3rd annual Grand Avenue Festival, Saturday, Oct. 22, from 3 to 11 p.m.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: The Arizona Humanities Festival, a free celebration of arts and culture, is this Saturday, Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. More info:
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Phoenix mayoral candidates Wes Gullett and Greg Stanton face off to discuss Phoenix's sustainability future as part of Case Critical Oct. 25, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Co-sponsored by Phoenix's Green Chamber.
College Quad · Copper Square · 19 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Come out from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. today to celebrate homecoming at the FestDevil annual bash. Enjoy free food, festivities and a visit from Sparky.
College Residence Hall · Copper Square · 45 tips and reviews
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Show your DPC spirit at the downtown homecoming float building party, 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28, in the Shade Garden at Taylor Place.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Learn how arts and community intersect for social change. Be sure to check out the Light It Up conference Oct. 27-29.
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Through Saturday: Catch the legendary Ghosts of Phoenix Tour. Tickets are $13 for adults, $7 for children (8-12).
ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus: Discover the power of American Sign Language Poetry at 3 p.m. Oct. 29 in a screening of "Deaf Jam," a film by Judy Lieff, part of the Community Cinema program.