These are places where I made the various beats for my remix of Viktor Vaughn's 'Change The Beat'. Listen here:
Ash Ryan Beats: Section 1 - Koto, 0:11 - 1:41 @ Aoya-mon Gate. Have a look at the view on the north side of the gate area, overlooking the moat with skyscrapers in the background.
Ash Ryan Beats: Section 2 - Classical Guitar, 1:41 - 2:01, @ 内濠、極楽橋 (Inner Moat, Gokuraku Bridge). The popular bridge was rebuilt in 2011. Go just south for a resting spot and a serene view of the huge castle walls.
Ash Ryan Beats: Section 3 - Harp, 2:01 - 3:01 @ 天守閣 (The Main Tower). The west side outside the main tower offers some great views overlook the park with modern buildings in the background.
Historic and Protected Site · 中央区 · 6 tips and reviews
Ash Ryan Beats: Section 4 - Harpsichord, 3:01 - 3:24 @ 空の内濠 (The Empty Inner Moat). Just to the west of the Sakura Gate is a hidden open area with some amazing views of the dry moat and Shudokan. Can you find it?
Ash Ryan Beats: Section 5 - Piano, 3:24 - 3:56 @ 南外濠 (The Southern Moat). Right next to this rest house is an up-front view of the enormous southern moat that shouldn't be missed.