The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle
Aoyamon Gate is one of The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle.

1. Aoyamon Gate

中央区大阪城, 大阪市, 大阪府
Historic and Protected Site · 中央区 · 1 tip

Ash Ryan BeatsAsh Ryan Beats: Section 1 - Koto, 0:11 - 1:41 @ Aoya-mon Gate. Have a look at the view on the north side of the gate area, overlooking the moat with skyscrapers in the background.

Gokurakubashi Bridge is one of The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle.

2. Gokurakubashi Bridge

中央区大阪城, 大阪市, 大阪府
Bridge · 中央区 · 9 tips and reviews

Ash Ryan BeatsAsh Ryan Beats: Section 2 - Classical Guitar, 1:41 - 2:01, @ 内濠、極楽橋 (Inner Moat, Gokuraku Bridge). The popular bridge was rebuilt in 2011. Go just south for a resting spot and a serene view of the huge castle walls.

Osaka Castle is one of The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle.

3. Osaka Castle

中央区大阪城1-1, 大阪市, 大阪府
Castle · 204 tips and reviews

Ash Ryan BeatsAsh Ryan Beats: Section 3 - Harp, 2:01 - 3:01 @ 天守閣 (The Main Tower). The west side outside the main tower offers some great views overlook the park with modern buildings in the background.

Sakuramon Gate is one of The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle.

4. Sakuramon Gate

中央区大阪城1-1, 大阪市, 大阪府
Historic and Protected Site · 中央区 · 6 tips and reviews

Ash Ryan BeatsAsh Ryan Beats: Section 4 - Harpsichord, 3:01 - 3:24 @ 空の内濠 (The Empty Inner Moat). Just to the west of the Sakura Gate is a hidden open area with some amazing views of the dry moat and Shudokan. Can you find it?

大阪城公園レストハウス is one of The Nomadic Beatmaker's Guide To Osaka Castle.

5. 大阪城公園レストハウス

大阪城3-21, 大阪市中央区, 大阪府
Snack Place · 1 tip

Ash Ryan BeatsAsh Ryan Beats: Section 5 - Piano, 3:24 - 3:56 @ 南外濠 (The Southern Moat). Right next to this rest house is an up-front view of the enormous southern moat that shouldn't be missed.