Ambasciatori Hotel Venice Mestre Tapestry Collection by Hilton is one of Italy.

1. Ambasciatori Hotel Venice Mestre Tapestry Collection by Hilton

Corso del Popolo 221, Mestre, Veneto
Hotel · 15 tips and reviews
Rialto Bridge is one of Italy.

2. Rialto Bridge

(Ponte di Rialto)
Ponte di Rialto (San Polo), Venezia, Veneto
Bridge · San Marco · 340 tips and reviews
Trattoria Corrieri is one of Italy.

3. Trattoria Corrieri

Strada Conservatorio, 1, Parma, Emilia-Romagna
Trattoria · 133 tips and reviews
Trattoria del Tribunale is one of Italy.

4. Trattoria del Tribunale

Vicolo Politi, 5 (Strada Farini), Parma, Emilia-Romagna
Trattoria · 67 tips and reviews
Gallo d'Oro is one of Italy.

5. Gallo d'Oro

Borgo della Salina, 3, Parma, Emilia-Romagna
Italian Restaurant · 37 tips and reviews
Ristorante La Forchetta is one of Italy.

6. Ristorante La Forchetta

Borgo San Biagio, 6/D, Parma, Emilia-Romagna
Restaurant · 23 tips and reviews